• 1 year ago
    I ended up getting so fed up with a manager putting me on work that I didn't want to do a few months back that I switched my shift. Since switching shifts this job is bliss. The new manager puts me on the jobs I'd like to do which are working with the robots or jam clearing the lines and they don't constantly badger me to move to other sections of the building. If I get to jam clear I can do that job whilst reading and listening to podcasts/music and it's a solitary job up on a platform. If I get robots it's constant work for the day but nothing overly strenuous or tedious. It has some variety that makes the day go by a bit faster and you never get new hires to work with because it requires certain training so the employees down there tend to know what they're doing. I've accrued a ton of time off so I'll be able to get up to the mountains for quite a few extended weekends this summer and I just couldn't be happier with my current employment situation. Now to just figure out what I'm going to do in terms of living on my own again... One step at a time.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Good for you man. Sounds like you made things a lot better for yourself. Yes go to the mountains! Enjoy your summer! We don't have mountains here only flat land. I just pretend the ant hills are mountains.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Mountains can be made, all you need is a shovel.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … :-O that's true! I have to start digging!
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