• 3 years ago
    Assassin's Creed: Valhalla very much feels like old Creed, specifically Black Flag. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it yet. On the one hand, it's nice not to have a million, billion weapons and gear thrown at you, it's also a shame to see regenerative health disappear. And the pretty lackluster social stealth makes a comback and not even as well as before. But that aside, the combat feels great and I enjoy the raids. The sidequests are short, sweet experiences with lots of wacky characters and I actively try to seek them out when I can. I'm not very far in, yet I must have put in around 16 hours or so which I feel is proof that I am enjoying the side content. I'll need more time with it before I can decide if I prefer it to the last two Creeds. It's definitely a blend of the old and new but time will tell if it carries the strengths of the two styles or if it fails to marry them in a successful manner.
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