• 5 years ago
    Enjoyed this more than expected, especially liked the way it was shot, and more of the humor was on-point than most of the other recent MCU films. More compelling cast than most of the recent films. The ending's action sequence was pretty bad though. Why do these films gotta play licensed music over the climactic action? The whole montage of Carol standing up and staring at the camera was extremely cringey.
    Also, kree that aren't blue? Messed with me.

    We snuck food into the theater, including carrots. We had some left over, so on the bus ride back this blonde guy with large glasses started a conversation with us, asking where they came from (idk how to even answer that, "the store?"), and Miles offered him some, to which he declined. He started asking about us, such as our names and if we went to school here, and Miles responded to every question with a complete lie. We tried to correct him, but then Miles asked why we were lying, and the guy had no idea who to believe. Miles kept offering him things, from all the money in his wallet to his photo ID. The guy said he was a foreign exchange student. I asked from where, and he said Wisconsin. I told him that wasn't very foreign. He insisted it was. He seemed really interested in us, but when he'd start to ask for contact info he'd keep getting sidetracked by Miles' weird lies. He seemed to think we were more than just three random guys, like there was a reason this conversation was going so awry.
    When we left he said "Jesus Christ, you guys are the worst people."
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