• 5 years ago
    This is the third child to start casual conversation with me on Genius. Her profile says she just wants to make friends.
    It also says some other cringey 13-year-old stuff.

    I don't know how they find me entertaining and not totally boring, but there we go.
    Maybe it's just cuz I respond to every message without being a dick.
    And cuz I say "aw geez yeah that part of being a kid sucks, I felt the same way back then. When you're older you're not a kid though, and you're an adult, and this WHOLE SENTENCE is the same BORING ADULT SHIT you hear from EVERY ADULT."
    I mean, sometimes that's the best way to say "well you're just a li'l kid, and when you're a li'l kid your brain isn't fully developed, studies actually show you don't have real empathy yet, so tbh you're kind of a dumdum atm :)"

    You know, 13-year-olds are impressionable.
    I could absolutely radicalize her. I could fuckin sway her into believing anything. Kamala's a reptile. If you vote for her, you're a cop.

    idk maybe conversation's good for people with "I’m really having trouble making friends lately" on their profile.
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