• Helendloc wrote his opinion about Digimon World 3
    5 years ago
    I played this one pretty early in my life and I was pretty much addicted from the moment I booted it up, levelling up and unlocking new digivolutions and techniques in this is like crack. I don't think I've willingly spent as much time grinding in any other game as I have this one. Even apart from that though the game is surprisingly good, this came out while Digimon was at its most popular so it didn't really have to do much to vacuum the dollas from Digimon fans' parents' wallets but it did so much more than it needed to and it's actually a pretty great game. Not a masterpiece, but it's really good. It's a full-on classic JRPG with a somewhat more competent story than you'd expect, one that uses the fact that it takes place within a Digital World to its advantage rather than just happening to take place within digital space like the other DMW games all do, involves cyberterrorist hackers planning to use it to cause harm to the real world. The soundtrack is fairly decent too, has some pretty nice tracks. Suzaku City's BGM always comes to mind when I think of this game. Love this game, really underrated.
    Downsides though, the difficulty spikes can be pretty insane, they randomly pepper in random encounter enemies that can sweep your whole party in amongst encounters that are at the correct level for no discernible reason, so you when walking through those areas you pretty much just have to rely on blind luck that you never encounter them or you're screwed, and some bosses are just unreasonably hard. There's a lot of irritating backtracking, and the main character is a turd. I don't really remember any other criticisms, it was a while ago I last played it.
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