• 5 years ago
    This is going to be my DEFINITIVE (whooooo!) list of Top 50 Star Wars characters as pertains to LEGENDS continuity (having still procrastinated on getting to Episode VIII and Solo nor having yet read any of the "canon" EU works). I'm doing this because I'm bored and to challenge myself, since before thinking about this now I really only have a solid top 20 or so.

    I have not read all the Star Wars books nor most of the comics or played all the games. I have experienced a lot of it however. And I have always been a Wookieepedia and TV Tropes fiend, so I know more than just what I've read. Spoikers, what are those? So this list should be somewhat though not entirely exhaustive.

    So without further ado:
    1. Palpatine/Darth Sidious (no Sheev! My comment from a couple years ago still stands!)
    2. Corran Horn (always been a Corran fanboy, I'm sorry. I, Jedi is the best Legends books and don't tell me any different. Okay, I'm partially going to shut up with the annotations now.)
    3. Luke Skywalker
    4. Revan (no Darth, because light side is canon yo)
    5. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
    6. Darth Bane
    7. Grand Admiral Thrawn (I'm not going to be pretentious and list him by his ridiculous given name. Either way he's amazing.)
    8. Kreia (Fuck you, Kreia. You're amazing. But still, fuck you.)
    9. Wedge Antilles
    10. Mara Jade Skywalker (<333)
    11. Han Solo
    12. Qui-gon Jinn
    13. Mace Windu (go read Shatterpoint now. And check out that 2003 Clone Wars scene with the tank.)
    14. Nom Anor (I love him. So so much. Why can't he be in everything?)
    15. Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus (note: I know all the major events of but have never read LotF. But I really like him in YJK and NJO).
    16. R2-D2
    17. Jango Fett (go read Open Seasons now.)
    18. Grand Moff Tarkin (this guy gives me the jibblies.)
    19. Nen Yim (best Yuuzhan Vong that isn't Nom Anor, hands down.)
    20. Jaina Solo (possibly better than her twin brother? It's up for debate.)
    21. IG-88 (Therefore I Am is a campy Terminator wannabe story but I love it. Also go search "IG-88 the Dancing Robot" on youtube and thank me later.)
    22. Princess Leia Organa Solo
    23. HK-47
    24. Obi-wan Kenobi
    25. Ahsoka Tano (okay, you want to know the truth? I really disliked the 2008 movie pilot when it came out, and she was the main reason why. I thought she was just a continuity mess ruining things in my precious canon. I did watch the first few episodes of TCW but dropped off quickly, and held a bit of a grudge for years. Then I finally watched the show in 2016-17. And she's awesome. She's the best new character. I love her. I still think the 2008 movie isn't great. But I'm sorry, Ahsoka! When I get around to Rebels I'll look out for you!)
    26. Boba Fett
    27. Cad Bane (when I finally watched TCW a few years ago his awesomeness was one of the main takeaways. Arguably should be higher but this is where he's going.)
    28. Darth Maul
    29. Yoda
    30. Gilad Pellaeon (the coolest Imperial not named Thrawn for being just a decent and competent guy.)
    31. Anakin Solo (I'm actually just about to read Star by Star and getting myself worked up about it. Could go up a lot after the end.)
    32. Talon Karrde
    33. Asajj Ventress (mostly for TCW)
    34. Carth Onasi (shut up. I know people rag on this character. I always thought he was reasonable and had a great arc.)
    35. Lando Calrissian
    36. Exar Kun
    37. Jorus C'boath (one u. He was a dick, but he was an interesting dick. Outbound Flight is one of my favorite EU books partially because of him.)
    38. Jolee Bindo (grey Jedi are... just the best)
    39. Darth Zannah
    40. Canderous Ordo
    41. Hondo Ohnaka
    42. Tycho Celchu
    43. Dannik Jerriko (okay, realtalk, I was never a huge fan of the prose style of his short stories, but as a character he is a TERRIFYING but also somewhat empathetic boogeyman who is just really interesting!)
    44. Kit Fisto
    45. Tenel Ka Djo (She's basically a Wonder Woman/Red Sonja analogue but a Jedi. I approve)
    46. Bib Fortuna (his short story is the best one in Tales from Jabba's Palace, easily)
    47. Darth Malak
    48. General Maximilian Veers (another competent Imperial)
    49. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus (Let's be honest: he's here because I adore Christopher Lee. But he is a genuinely cool and sympathetic character.)
    50. Ysanne Isard (reasonably competent, but also FUCKING PSYCHO WOW)
    56. Figrin D'an

    Honorable Mentions: Jet Nebula, Githany, Lord Kas'im, Lord Kaan, Ganner Rhysode, Bria Tharen, Dengar, Zuckuss, Plo Koon, Droma, Duchess Satine Kryze, Admiral Ackbar (he's more than just a meme, guys! He's an honorable and competent military commander who always sticks by the heroes. Stop making fun of him!), Durge

    Characters that should probably be on this list but I haven't read their primary media stories yet so oh well maybe next time: Ulic Qel-Droma, Nomi Sunrider, Zayne Carrick, Jarael, Cassus Fett maybe?, Cade Skywalker, Celeste Morne, Callista maybe?, Darth Plagueis, Vestara Khai, Kyle Katarn, Kir Kanos

    Now, seriously, go check out IG-88 the Dancing Robot. Go do it right now. I'll still be here.
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