• 6 years ago
    I remember noticing when I bought the Extended Edition trilogy set for all of these movies that the movies themselves were split onto two discs. That seemed pretty weird to me considering I got it on blu-ray, like how god damn long are these things? Well I figured that all out today when I finally decided it was time to actually watch one. These things (just assuming the other two are the same) have 4 god damn commentary tracks on them, two of which I don't even understand why they exist. Having a director/writers one make sense and I can see the fun in having a cast one (though having that many people talking would seem annoying personally), but why are there ones that feature the design team & the producers/post-production? I cannot imagine ever in my lifetime being in love with a movie so much that I would want such a thing. Interviews and documentary type stuff sure, but an over 3hr commentary track? Hell no. The only thing that would make me interested is if the one that has the producers/post-production had Harvey and Bob on it, maybe they'd have some colorful/tasteful anecdote about a time they tried luring Liv Tyler to their hotel room or some shit.
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