• 6 years ago
    This is the Game of Thrones season 6 of Star Wars
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … What does that mean?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … The first five seasons of Game of Thrones blew up because they subverted the fantasy genre. This caused a lot of other media to mimic Game of Thrones, by trying their hardest to be unpredictable and different, to try to shock people. When George RR Martin left the production crew of the TV show in order to write the books, and the showrunners were only given the major plot points and had to fill in the rest themselves, they proved unable to naturally subvert the fantasy genre, and went with a formulaic shock approach. Formulaic subversion. See, that just doesn't work--subversion only works when it's not formulaic. It doesn't take long while watching to recognize, oh, I see exactly where you're going, I know all your tricks, and now when every scene comes I know exactly how it's going to conclude, because I know exactly what all of these moves mean.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Oh and I forgot to finish off that string about other media mimicking Game of Thrones: those mimics didn't understand what made Game of Thrones special, and went with formulaic approaches of shock and trying to be different. Game of Thrones season 6, as well as The Last Jedi, are just like those mimics, with their own shock-driven formulas. Game of Thrones of course didn't come up with the idea of subverting a genre, but it sparked so many others to try the same, with the same gritty atmosphere. Game of Thrones season 7 gave up on subversion and shock altogether, now it's just any other high fantasy.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … "formulaic shock approach. Formulaic subversion. See, that just doesn't work--subversion only works when it's not formulaic. It doesn't take long while watching to recognize, oh, I see exactly where you're going, I know all your tricks, and now when every scene comes I know exactly how it's going to conclude, because I know exactly what all of these moves mean." I had this problem with season 4 of GoT. I was like "You can't top the green explosion and red wedding, I've seen that shit". Also, didn't GoT start in like 2010? There was plenty of dark shit by the time GoT came out. What felt different about it to me was its sense of scale, hopping around from place to place in its big epic world on a TV budget, that's the part that felt subversive, if it could be called that.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … It's not a matter of dark shit, it's a matter of dark shit that's trying its hardest to shock you with unexpected death and betrayal regarding major character.
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