• 6 years ago
    The movie wasn't particularly good or bad, however its use of practical effects certainly worked in the film's favor. For that, it will be aging very, very well next to so many of this year's other blockbusters.
    Will Smith still can't act as anyone but Will Smith, and the writers (hell, maybe this was changed in shooting and can't be blamed on the folk with the keyboards) aren't very consistent in terms of his racist/not racist feelings towards orcs. The way that some of the fantasy elements are referred to is also very, um, well, sort of ironic, really. Take this fairy that appears near the very beginning, for example: Will Smith and his wife are talking about the pesky fairy eating the birdseed, but the way they're talking about it is clearly that of someone who doesn't believe in fairies, and is just having fun pretending. Sort of like if you and I decided that, just as a goof, we were going to refer to dogs as DIRE WOLVES, and to refer to their behavior as if they'd just pounced out of Westeros. "Wow lotta Starks around here with those wild things" "ikr lmao"
    Elves are dicks. Elves are always dicks. When are elves not complete dicks.
    Also, how does Shrek exist in this world? "Haha let's make a film to subvert fairy tale tropes" WHO COMES UP WITH THOSE FAIRY TALES WHEN THOSE STORIES ARE NOW PERFECTLY PLAUSIBLE
    Why do elves and orcs have languages titled "elvish" and "orcish" when humans still have multiple real-world languages in this film. Are humans the only race divided enough to not have a central language like humanish?
    I'd prefer that this film took a risk and didn't try to be so sarcastic. Sure, the opportunity to flop becomes an easier trap to fall into, but it also opens the way to actual success.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Saw this popped on Netflix, watched the trailer and I'm intrigued. Looks blockbustery for a Netflix film. Probably give it a try next week.
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