• 6 years ago
    "The Disaster Artist" starts off making promises it knows that it will not deliver on. The film begins with "candid interviews" from celeberties that can be boiled down into them saying "omg what it would be like to be a 'fly on the wall' during the making of this PoS". What is so great about this start is that the film isn't this at all, and in all honesty could never be that cause I just don't believe capturing that is possible. So what "The Disaster Artist" becomes is a near 2hrs of either James Franco doing a Tommy Wiseau impression or "jeez guys the room sure is a bad movie". Like it's kinda remarkable just how little this movie stands on its own. I mean 99.9% of the enjoyment comes from either poking fun at The Room or poking fun at Tommy Wiseau being a fucking being not from our solar system - making watching The Room before hand necessary. So when it's not reenacting those iconic moments from the movie it's just making every internet video joke about the movie ever - like why is he fucking her belly button or why is laughing at mark's story. That's fucking it, there's nothing more to it. It's a shallow experience that really offers nothing then just another outlet to laugh at The Room - you're just better of watching The Room, the experience is really no different. And the film is incredibly proud of that fact, cause at the end they show a side-by-side comparison of shot-for-shot reenactments (that they don't even show in the film prior btw) they did and they are so damn accurate it's silly - it really feels like Franco put more effort into those reenactments then anything else in the movie. This moment at the end is so pointless and feels like a cynical tactic that shitty movies do to stretch run-time so that they can be considered "features-length films". When it's all said and done, the best way to describe "The Disaster Artist" is with one word, pandering. A below average biography that serves no purpose at all.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Agree wholeheartedly, felt like Hollywood was annoyed that Wiseau made money off his shitty movie so they essentially stole his movie and added some unfunny, unnecessary scenes and sold it as a cashgrab marketed as an homage.
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