• 6 years ago
    "What I'm asking for here is essentially a move to present new media without a constant need to add a social element--to allow the presentation old media had. It shouldn't be normal for every piece of media to have a discussion forum directly attached to it, or to be forced to be integrated or involved into others' insular online cultures and communities. There shouldn't be a way to intrinsically tie someone's content to other creators, or to co-opt others' creations as part of your own identity. I want the content to stand on its own, and to be able to follow it without a bunch of bullshit attached--either in the form of being inundated with everything else the creator happens to like, or having presented to me the opinions of unrelated people underneath their content.

    It used to be that if you discussed media, you did it in a community that you were a part of which stood on its own. There was not a fan forum attached to a product, you went and made one, and then someone else made another when they thought yours was shitty, and if you wanted to be a part of a fan community you sought one out. It wasn't considered an intrinsic part of consuming media, and creators weren't encouraged to push outside agendas or reblog other bullshit that their viewers didn't want to see. If I watched a stand-up show, the comedian didn't stop with the jokes to make a completely stone-faced, serious plea to the audience about how they need to check their privilege and protest Trump--which I am going to see literally every day on a twitter that I followed because a comedian used it to post funny jokes. Just give me the goddamn content!!!"
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