• Pudding wrote his opinion about Beyond: Two Souls
    6 years ago
    Let me start off by saying I loved Fahrenheit (on its release mind you, but admittedly it aged horribly) and Heavy Rain (still stands as a great game), so I was quite interested in Beyond: Two Souls. And the ride started off interestingly enough, but soon ended up being a trainwreck that didn't stop going from bad to worse. This almost felt like someone was fed up with David Cage's games and decided to make a parody, trying to accentuate everything that was not so great in his previous games, by going over the top in almost every scene possible. A poor experience and a disaster of a game that ended up being a colossal disappointment!
    Pros: Graphics in general are incredible (stills from the game could pass off as real photos), most of the acting is strong enough to keep things going along in spite of the horrendous script (Ellen Page and Willem Defoe being the highlights), diverse locations and (gameplay) scenarios pique your interest every once in a while (but never deliver), good music, PS4 version lets you play the game in a chronological order, occasionally (unintentionally) funny, Aiden is a cool gameplay mechanic...
    Cons: ...but of disappointingly limited usage, insultingly bad and shallow script, characters all too frequently behave irrationally and downright stupid, weird and/or wooden body and face animations, story had potential but went south with its terrible blockbuster-esque direction, laughable action scenes and limited free movement make gameplay a bore, less choices and interaction than in Heavy Rain, occasionally looks bad
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