• 7 years ago
    I hate politics. It's unnavoidable, our world and society is built and works around it, but nothing positive comes out of it other than dividing people and making all of us hate each other because of perspective. That's why I don't talk about it much, because i'm not all that knowledgeable (i'm admitedly very naive) and i'm afraid to create conflict with people I get along but I would also like to believe that those same peole are capable of listening to another perspective without turning on said person. I think that's what many people did with Jontron.

    I've been watching the Jontron debate with this Destiny dude for the first time, just so I can understand why people are hating on Jontron so much. Call me racist or a naive idiot or whatever, but I fail to see where Jontron was literally against other races. His point (at least from what i've seen of the video so far) was that cultures should have the right to preserve themselves. We live in an age where SJW's want to believe we're all the same, but were not. In fact all of us are different, and that's what makes each and everyone of us special. Different races and cultures exist, it's not racist to aknowledge them and neither it is racist for a country to willingly not accept certain people from other countries in - specially when their culture is dangerous (Muslim ban).

    The refugee situation is a dangerous one. It's a decision made by the EU to help huge numbers of people to flee from ISIS and be able to live normal lives. That's great, i'm all for that! If I were in that situation I would praise the EU greatly...but of course I wouldn't be objective on it, because i'm reacting based on emotion and prioritizing myself and my fellow people. We all knew bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees would most certainly help radicals "blend in" and get a free ticket to European countries and terrorize. We accepted the risk in order to help thousands of people, for the greater good and I like that. But I don't criticize a country if they refused to take in refugees based on past events, specially considering the ideals Islam is made of. That's why I understand Trump's moves of the wall separating USA from Mexico and the Muslim ban, the ultimate goal is to protect the Amerian people...what's wrong with that? I fail to see how it's racist to not accept someone into your own soil, it's not a racial thing it's a matter of principle and logic really. People can still immigrate in a legal manner, and the Muslim ban from what i've heard is temporary (I apologize if i'm wrong).

    Now please guys, don't get me wrong. I love everyone, indepent of race, religion or culture. While I do agree with Milo when he says Islam is a dangerous religion, with some really scary ideals, I would never say that every Muslim is fundamentally dangerous. Many people practice the same religion in different ways, just look at Christianity. I don't believe in God but I can respect someone who does, if he's ultimately a good person who contributes to society. And I think Jontron would say the same.

    I was really afraid of writting this, it's not a topic I talk about because it's controversial and i'm not that knowledgeable about. I apologize if I wrote something factually wrong, but I hope you can understand my point.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … Understanding the cause of xenophobia doesn't justify its continued existence.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … How is Jon being xenophobic?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … On the topic of the wall, the reason that whole idea is flawed is because most Mexican illegal immigrants here entered legally, and then overstayed their Visa.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … What was he thinking by agreeing to a debate? He's just digging a deeper hole for himself isn't he? And before this he said he was going to return to comedy.
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