• 7 years ago
    This album doesn't feel as much as a music album and more like your friend's wife just died and you're sitting there with him after the funeral and all he can do is mourn and all you can do is feel that pain.
    And I guess that, in some ways, this is exactly what this album is.
    Phil Elverum's wife died of cancer last year and this album is his way of coping. He doesn't try to make nice melodies or pop anthems, or good singles or even lyrics... He just sits with his guitar and sings about what happened.
    "When real death enters the house, all poetry is dumb" he states in it's opening track, and it feels like it. He's not trying to make poetry, he just wants to mourn.
    The entire album runs across that theme and is full of soul crushing lyrics full of real stories. Metaphors and subtility have no space here.
    So, in the end should I even rate this? Giving it a rating feels like giving his pain a rating, giving his grief a rating.
    "Oh, sure, your wife's death is a 7/10"
    I guess I choose not to give it a rating, I don't know if I feel like recommending it or not, but if you feel curious check it out. If you like it, check his other stuff, they're good. Also #The Microphones
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