• 7 years ago
    Copying this from blag.

    The tutorials in Curtain Call really don't cover everything. I don't understand the point of the chocobo, or the point of what distance you go, or even the point of defeating enemies that aren't bosses. I think all that stuff helps you get items but the game never tells you. I might look up some info sometime. It's also hard to keep track of what each stat does.

    EDIT: VIVI! My favorite Final Fantasy character! Imma level you the fuck up boy!

    Edit2: Oh, Vivi has just the right stats to balance out my party too.

    Edit3: Ha, Vivi just shot up from level 1 to 7. They grow up so fast.

    Edit4: Glancing at a guide. Ok, defeating enemies and going distance does what I thought. Gives you more items, and also more exp.

    Edit5: If you want to play this game right, you would have to do a LOT of tedious switching out of your party, due to different stats being useful in different modes. Thank God I don't care!

    Edit6: I wish you could trade items for something. I'll never use some of them.

    Edit7: Looks like I'll be making Zidane the leader due to how high agility works in EMS, they should've just made it full party like in BMS. I liked having Zack as the leader doe.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … I might sound like I'm complaining a lot, but it's a neat game. It should've explained itself better, and you should be able to have multiple party layouts that are easy to change on the fly, but it plays nice and looks nice and sounds nice.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … Clearing a level on the medium difficulty does not count as a clear on the easy difficulty. Jesus this game must take a zillion years to 100%,
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