• 7 years ago
    That... was... surprising.
    Started off a bit weak, definitely improved as it went on.

    However, one MAJOR flaw dragged this movie down tons:
    that editing.
    This is some of the worst editing I've ever seen, and the cinematography was underwhelming as well. It's as if the editor's primary goal was to cover the flaws within the choreography and stir chaos, creating a fake sense of action. And that's a shame, because the Hong Kong involvement in the film really got my hopes up for seeing some great choreography. But of course, American studios don't have the patience to perfect those scenes, nah, just cover it up with shoddy cuts and intensify the weak movement with a camera swerve. That's just amateur.

    But yeah overall it was actually pretty enjoyable.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … The CGI was really outdated, which I found excusable, but now I'm shocked to see that it had a $125 million budget. That's mighty surprising. The production value appeared quite low, what drove up these costs?
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    • MarconeAntelius
      Editing … It was definitely a movie for AC fans, anyone who had never played the games wouldn't find much to be interested in. Then again I've played several of them and I wasn't captivated by it. Spent part of the time playing games on my phone.
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