• 7 years ago
    Spooky Scary Horrorthons 3 - Film #8

    The killer tomatoes are back and they are just as dumb and nonsensical as the first time! And George Clooney is there as well!

    This sequel takes place 10 years after the first film and the effects of the great tomato war are still apparent. Tomatoes are outlawed and people still don't trust them. The similarites to real world...

    Nah. Just like the first film any depth or reason is pushed aside for silly jokes or random musical numbers. I did not find this one quite as funny as the first one but some jokes were still funny to me, my favorite was the one were the main character is too dumb to realize that the solution to his problem is conveniently presented in a film on tv, and the characters in the film have to spell it out for him.

    This is probably a bad film if you look at it objectively or even slightly critically but I still love it. It is the only sequel about murderous tomatoes that I will accept in my heart!
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