• Ulty wrote his opinion about Lords of the Fallen
    7 years ago
    The most apropriate way to describe Lords of the Fallen is: it's average. It has qualities to it, but a myriad of issues that drag it down.

    Let's get this out of the way right now: this is a Souls game. A complete carbon copy, from top to bottom. If you enjoyed the Souls games like I did, there's a good chance you'll enjoy Lords of the Fallen. Objectively I see it as an average game, but I did rather like it and had some enjoyment playing it to the end just because it's one of my favorite styles of game. Beware though, while it does carry the difficult but fair philosophy and shortcut-based level design from Demon's Souls, it also fucks up big time in the control, art direction, storytelling and soundtrack departments.

    The controls is this game are fucking garbage. They're slow, sluggish, clunky, and because of it sometimes feel unresponsive and kind of a mess. It tries to go for a "realistic" control, with the heavy movement and long animations for each action you perform, but all this shit just makes the game not fun to control at all. You kind of get used to it while you're playing, I know I did, but a good game never puts you through that ordeal.

    The story is really forgettable. It's as basic medieval-fantasy as you can get, and I didn't give a shit about any of the characters. Hell I finished it yesterday, and I can't remember a single plot point! The art direction and sountrack fall into the same trap, standard fantasy stuff and no creativity to any of it at all.

    Oh well, it's an average game that could've been alot better. Try it out, it's free this month if you have PS Plus.
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