• 7 years ago
    There should really be separations between comic and show continuity. The only characters that are relatively easy are the ones that are exclusive to one continuity or the other (e.g. Daryl, Lee). Comic Andrea is great while show Andrea is less so. The inverse (IMO) is true of Dale. Sophia is alive for much less time in the show. Carol is a completely different character depending on what you reference, as is the Governor. And so on. This is the same reason why when I read The Hunchback of Notre Dame awhile back and added character pages, I deliberately added separate ones instead of going to Disney pages. They were very different characters and should have been treated as such, and the same thing applies here.

    As someone who has read a bunch of the comic and watched a bunch of the show (but isn't up to date on either) I know a lot about these differences and it's hard for me to rank because of it. Comic Governor probably wouldn't make my list at all, for the comic, while a show list would have him in the top 5. In fact the only characters who would be quite high on both lists would be Glenn (for similar reasons) and Hershel (for completely different reasons), and perhaps Michonne.
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