Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.3 Good
Rated by 4 people
  • 7 years ago
    Not bad at all. Certainly better than 4. The car action gave way to shooting action in this one. Story was more solid and less whiny but I didn't like the villain: no motive, no real backstory, no action on his part besides giving a command here and there. A LOT of police death though. And I'm still confused as to Hahn's role in all this: is he dead or not?
    EDIT: I just read about the timeline. 3 takes place between 6 and 7. Whatever.
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Alternative Names

Fast & Furious 5
Fast & Furious 5: Rio Heist
Fast Five

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-10-28 11:58 pm
Page creator Nodley
Views 650
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