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  • 8 years ago
    "The Cobbler" is proof that any good director has a bad film in them. Three films in and director Thomas McCarthy has a promising, yet not huge or that well known, filmography, spearheaded by the rather excellent "The Station Agent" staring a pre GoT fame Peter Dinklage. Then in his fourth feature he directed "The Cobbler" and boy oh boy is it just the worse. While having a rather interesting premise behind it McCarthy seems absolutely clueless in how he wants to handle it. The result of this leads to a rather aimless experience that makes one wonder what's the point of any of it. Sure you got a cool idea but it's all for not if it's heading somewhere that isn't compelling in the least. And that's "The Cobbler" in a nutshell really, a film that has no idea where it is going. It suffers the fate that most Adam Sandler helmed films have, yet without having to be a typical Adam Sandler film. You see "The Cobbler" isn't coming from the fine folks at the Happy Madison production company. More times then not we can blame Sandler as to why most of his films suck because most of them come from the hell that is his production company, but not this one. The Cobbler's failures are all fall on the head of McCarthy. It is, flat out, not well made in the slightest, a aimless & baffling experience from start to finish. But you see being bad isn't enough for this film, it has to be that type of "you'll never forget this shit" type of bad. "The Cobbler" is a fairly mediocre experience and then we get to its final moments, and my god are these final moments special. I cannot recall the last time I've seen a movies end so definitely - so precisely - shit itself. I'm still in awe of how bad the ending of this film is. This ending shifts McCarthy's film into the "Master of Disguise" level of idiocy, and really I should be thankful that the rest of the film doesn't have the same tone it's ending has. In the end "The Cobbler" is a big speed bump in the directing career of Thomas McCarthy, one that should be avoid at all cost (2/10).
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Created 2015-06-18 11:15 am
Page creator Ryan Thorp
Views 427
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