• 5 years ago
    A good song should always remind you of a place and and time. Well, this song is my time now. After finally coming out of depression and all the rest, I don't need to say it, these lyrics got me which is why I've just put it in my top lyric list.

    It takes a village to raise a child
    It takes an army to march a mile
    It takes true love to stand the test of time
    And it takes you babe to make me smile

    It took Isabella to make me smile again properly. Simple lyrics, probably in a dozen songs I've not cared about before but I heard it at the time I needed to.

    I hope the rest of you struggling find that thing you need. I'm not being soppy, well, maybe a bit, but fuck, life seems so shit at times but it really isn't once you find your place.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But no, having a baby isn't an answer! Don't get me wrong. We've been together 13 years and only now was it right. Don't go having babies copying me ffs.
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Created 2019-04-13 04:25 pm
Page creator Nodley
Views 19
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