Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.5 Fantastic
Rated by 1 person
  • MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Solanin
    10 years ago
    I'm a big fan of Asano Ino, and it all started with the manga "Solanin", so I decided to check the movie based on it .
    I have to admit that I was pleased, everything that made the manga great was here, the actors resemble the characters, and they act as such. There's a couple manga-like moments with characters doing actions that you'd generally wouldn't see normally, but they manage to pull it off. I'd still recommend the manga, but if you don't like to read or think you'd prefer to watch a 2 hour movie instead of a 28 chapter manga, then I think you'll get more or less the same experience. Just don't check the trailer, it spoils you one of the more emotional moments and I think it affects you more if you aren't waiting for it. I know it did for me.
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Created 2013-12-09 09:29 pm
Page creator MasterCrash
Views 508
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