Magnifying glass User Average Score

3.5 Meh
Rated by 1 person
  • 6 years ago
    I like legal drama and I like plenty of the characters, but in the overall story of Roman J. Israel, Esq., nothing really... happens...? Nothing feels accomplished in the meat of the story, and then the end happens, and... have you ever seen a Neil Breen movie? I haven't, but in them, he's said to insert himself as a God-like character that accomplishes an amazing task at the end of the film that wasn't really discussed more than once prior to the finale. Like when he hacked the government and revealed... I forget, maybe it was never fully stated, but politicians just started shooting themselves in the head because of his Godhacks. Something like this happened in R-Jizzrael. Everything went too perfectly. Even that one thing near the end that you can say wasn't perfect, I'm going to argue was indeed too perfect.
    There were lines that were meant to sound impressive but obviously weren't. Moments that were intended to be profound. I like pretentious shit, but not pretentious bullshit.
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Created 2017-12-02 11:04 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 121
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