• 3 years ago
    I was supposed to be in Portugal in two weeks. Curse you covid! *Shakes fist angrily*

    Our government has just put a restriction on travel there so it's a good job I cancelled and didn't risk it.

    I'll get there one day, Portugal is high on my travel wishlist.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Actually, they literally just removed it, you got things backwards. My cousin was complaining about the amount of Brits that had just arrived to Algarve, lol
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I spend a weekend there with them and I was amazed at how people in there didn't care compared to the rest of the country, streets were completely filled with foreigns like nothing happened. I went to the beach once and it was uncomfortable how close everyone was. But that's Algarve to ya,
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    • Nodley
      Editing … No it's back again, anybody still there at 4am tomorrow has to isolate for two weeks when they return.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … LOL
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  • 9 years ago
    So apparently Portugal is trying to release a law against pirates where they assume everyone is pirating everything using every possible medium possible and so everyone ever should be punished.
    So... every time you buy a electronic device that reproduce or store art (books, paintings, movies, games, wtv...) you will get a stupidly high tax. Apparently 10€ in some pens and 30€ in some tablets for example.
    So, if you want to buy a computer to write and publish a book, you're going to pay more for the copyrights of your own book and you're not really getting that money back.
    Of course, the solution now is buying everything online, which is quite easy and a lot of people do it anyways. So, you know, this crisis is going to get even worse...
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Alternative Names

Portekiz T
Portogallo I
Portugal P
Portugal d E
Portugali F
Portugalia P
and 11 more

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 382
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