Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.3 Great
Rated by 28 people
  • Nodley wrote his opinion about Fight Club
    5 years ago
    It's good but I'm not that keen, it's so hyped it's disappointing when you see it and it's not the greatest thing since FFVII.
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  • Not Important wrote his opinion about Fight Club
    8 years ago
    Fight Club is another movie they told I'd grow out of. I guess I'm still growing.
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  • Gries He recommended Fight Club
    9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    "Author Chuck Palahniuk first came up with the idea for the novel after being beaten up on a camping trip when he complained to some nearby campers about the noise of their radio.

    When he returned to work, he was fascinated to find that nobody would mention or acknowledge his injuries, instead saying such commonplace things as "How was your weekend?"

    Palahniuk concluded that the reason people reacted this way was because if they asked him what had happened, a degree of personal interaction would be necessary, and his workmates simply didn't care enough to connect with him on a personal level.

    It was his fascination with this societal 'blocking' which became the foundation for the novel."
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  • ded man wrote his opinion about Fight Club
    9 years ago
    I was 75 percent through the movie and I was having a great time, but I was confused as to what was making it one of the greatest movies ever made. Then, the last 25 percent happened...
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  • 10 years ago
    -- spoilers --
    “Fight Club” is a movie about SpoilerEdward Norton hating his life as a white-collar worker.
    He then meets this imaginary guy nobody seems to know. They hit each other in the face a couple of times.

    The twist? Edward Norton and Brad Pitt were one and the same person all along!
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Alternative Names

El club de lucha S
Fight Club d o E
ファイト・クラブ J
파이트 클럽 K
El club de la pelea (Latin America)

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-04-28 10:08 pm
Page creator Julie Badiane
Views 1,812
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