• 1 year ago
    I've now almost eliminated my trolling, but there are always a few tasty posts I can never resist having a crack at, dumbassery seems to be a facebook trend. I'm pretty much done though, I can connect with family other ways online now and so I expect my Facebook use to be done by the years end or sooner. It does feel like a loss after all this time to be honest, it's about 14 years I think. But Facebook is just a habit now, it ain't the social media it used to be 10 years ago.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Hate to break it to you but 10 years ago facebook sucked too. This is just your stockholm syndrome talking.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Nah, it was good back then. You only got to see your friends posts and so didn't end up arguing with 12 strangers from all over the world over orange juice.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … "got to see your friends posts" exactly. That's why I deleted it after a month. :-P
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  • 1 year ago
    I found out how to download every single picture and video on my Facebook and save them to google photos.

    I think that's me done with Facebook now. I have no reason to use it anymore.
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  • 1 year ago
    I'm down to just 10 family members and Eggs sister, ManCannon and Vlado now I think, not even any of my real life best friends. So like nearly a third my people are still from favslist/unikgamer! Life is just better without lots of people in it, and my best friends have been like this for a shile, I'm the last to catch on. I do actually really still like the idea of Facebook, the sharing of photos and things with the people/family you genuinely have an interest in, I think it's fantastic if used properly. I read that a person only ever has a handful of true friends over their lifetime though and I think it's true through experience, and we maybe need to all go back to this. There are friends and there are people you like/know. Facebook has taught me there is a huge difference, nobody on the planet got 1200 friends. I do like a lot of people, many of you guys here are cool, but I don't care what 99% of the people I know do on a day to day basis. I found not knowing made me happier somehow. If ever some of you guys had good news I'd celebrate with you, or I'd be there if you got bad news. Ya'll know who you are, we've known each other many years now. But just been a little part involved and not all in is working better for me.

    The absolute best bit about Facebook is the memories that pop up every year. This time last year we'd bought Iz an umbrella so she could be like peppa pig and when it rained she grabbed it and went and stood outside just to use it. I love seeing those memories, I'd forgotten about that event. https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/195718952_10220070727379994_4544398624592214431_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=_qiRNJsrwd4AX88usr8&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT9f-bfdA2MYzrskf7Xfea_pf0Jl6UIHBihKqqF8Lg5eEw&oe=62C0DBE6
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Make your own Facebook! Just for the people you like and you can make your owm memory slides. I felt really silly for making a Facebook 10 years ago. I had it for a month before I deleted it again and people promised me it was so much fun and all your friends were on there….. Then I realised… This is really stupid. My real friends don’t post to me because I see them irl and I don’t care about all the vague acquaintances and what they did on vacation. It just felt really empty and I could not see the point of it except for snooping on people you have not seen in a while. It’s the perfect platform for stalkers I guess. Speaking about stalking do you know how Vlad and MC are? I tried to talk to Vlad on blag but he does not seem to check it much if at all. I hope he and his family are doing well. MC is probably teaching the drop bears some manners I hope.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Vlad is busy with family, his kids are getting big now. MC is all loved up and looks like he's enjoying life. I actually upload all my photos to Google photos now and family members have access to certain folders such as Isabella but not others. Maybe Facebook will even die out for me entirely too. It's changed so much, it was fun at first but now it's just drama, arguments, adverts etc etc.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … That's good to hear. I'm glad they are doing well. :-D You know it would be weird if the real world was like facebook .You'd be sitting with your friends and talking about stuff and then suddenly out of nowhere some dude barges in trying to sell you tampons. IRL you'd never accept that but online it's somehow fine to most. I wish people would kick the tampon guy out of the net. He's a cunt.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But real life has gotten like Facebook! Every tiny little thing has become a massive drama. Everybody these days is so dramatic. I studied military history and all these old men who went through literal hell would never talk about it, their best mate got blown into 7 pieces and they picked his brain up to put in the box. No drama, they obviously felt every emotion for sure, but but just kept it private. I never saw war, I left before Iraq but my brother did, and he's said some stuff, horrible things. Nowadays somebody stubs their toe on the edge of a coffee table then checks in at the local hospital just to get more "likes". Facebook has influenced this, people have found they get more likes if they do more dramatic stuff. My mrs auntie checks into hospitals all the time, and her friends are all like "I hope you okay hun, sending my love" and shit like that. She's just a bit fat and got swollen ankles because of it, they need some injections or something. Meanwhile my best friend of 30 years YOUNGER sister has just had her tits cut off and survived cancer still in her 20s, just a couple of years after her dad died of cancer. And she has 2 young boys. You hear nothing from real people, the honest people with nothing to prove. Fake people who try to impress everybody use Facebook as a tool for their own ego. I just like sharing photos of Iz with me mam because she missed out with my eldest daughter. And sure, young people have egos, me included, back in the 90s I was a bit of a nob. But Facebook amplifies everything, for no reason but for attention. And TV shows like the Kardashians makes everybody think that they're like that too, so they act that way on Facebook. Ther's no wonder everybody wants to go back to the 80s or 90s.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … For sure people are more dramatic. It’s not good to pretend the things you struggle with are not there either, otherwise your happiness is just a façade but a middle ground would be nice. With war trauma it’s different though I read. If your trauma is too deep, thinking about it and reliving it will traumatize people further apparently. So I fully understand veterans not talking at all. Usually people are dramatic with things that don’t matter to them. They don’t talk about the stuff that truly bothers them because it’s not fun to confront those feelings. They would rather seek attention and approval by feigning struggle. You get free sympathy and you don’t actually have to do anything difficult (and the people cheering you on get free brownie points). I’ve only seen this type of behaviour irl at my uni. So I’m not sure if it’s the age group, the demographic or that everyone is like this now but I think it’s annoying. I have noticed through my life that people with real serious struggles are abandoned most of the time. If the drama is too real people notice and they don’t want anything to do with it. People just want to live in phantasy land. Kind of bothers me with the art students I study with now. At this school they are all so friendly and everyone agrees with each other and most of them pretend to have difficult lives and use that as an excuse for pretty much everything. But no one wants to rock the boat. They are all very tame and by the books. I think it’s important for artists to be a bit provocative. Not in a dramatic sense but artists make work to find real emotions. If you can’t be honest and if you try to please people all the time you can’t make work that speaks to people. You have to get your hands dirty and actually be able to say you don’t agree sometimes. I just realise now how much this pisses me off but you can’t be angry with people who are friendly all the time so it’s weird. I liked the people at my previous school more even though they were way less friendly. They were so weird and had their own peculiar ways and were not afraid to debate you. No fake emotions and mostly good art. Life is what’s missing. Vigour. I don’t know. Something real. It’s like people are afraid to see the world without a filter. People don’t think up their own solutions and they don’t have their own opinions anymore, they have to look everything up online and ask the internet what the correct opinions and solutions are. People would be better off if they would develop their own personality more and have their own opinions then everyone can finally stop being so “nice” and nonconfrontational. Then finally we can have a real life thunder dome. We should build it out of old facebook servers.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … We need another thunder dome, those days were fun
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Thunder domes are where culture is born. They should be preserved for our ancestors.
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  • 2 years ago
    ...The system is down.
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  • 3 years ago
    Hey guys, since I deleted everybody but family off of Facebook it's now my favourite place again. I see no politics, no brexit, no corona bullshit, no bragging and showing off, no attention seeking, and no miserable bastards.

    Keep your circle small.
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  • 5 years ago
    I've been a Facebook user for exactly 10 years.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I technically joined it in 2008, but I never used it and started a new account in 2010. I was an avid supporter of Bebo before that XD
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Bebo in da house, that turned to some shit
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Nvm, now it's a high school fortnite league? LOL
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … I joined in 2007, when literally nobody else in Germany had an account there yet.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Trendsetter
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I've been alive the longest so I'm a trendsetter too. Y'all just copying me being alive.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But I'd never heard of it before a mate made me join. There was that other one people used but it seemed to me to be mostly for trying to pull the opposite sex not socialising with your friends and family.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Was it called MySpace?
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I never tried MySpace. That was old news by the time I became aware of it.
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  • 5 years ago
    I love Facebook memories but sometimes it's depressing. When I looked today all I could think of was that in 9 years I've never ever done anything good on December 21st.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Do it NOW
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Tell me something to do so next year I'll be sharing the fuck out of the memory.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Take your biggest shit so far. Post proof on Facebook
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I haven't eaten enough. And I'm not going naked on Facebook again before you get that idea. My fucking auntie shared it with all her work colleagues last time, everybody saw my sexy little butt.
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  • 5 years ago

    I posted pictures of a car crash I had in a car crash group I joined years ago. My phone has been going off constantly for 2 hours. It's 12:26 am and I'm up for work soon.

    You ever regret something immediately after you did it?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I finally figured out how to turn off notifications. Phew
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … ... Why are you in a car crash group? Is it a group for rubberneckers?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I like looking at crashed cars
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … So yes, it's a group for rubberneckers.
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  • 5 years ago
    My friends young girl was almost abducted yesterday in the town where he lives. That's terrible. But do you know what's even more terrible? The 86 statuses he's put up in 16 hours fishing for more attention. If he spent as much time looking after his girl as he did on Facebook the incident would never have occurred.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … A status every ten minutes, assume he was pretty busy with facebook. No time to look for a girl...
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    • Nodley
      Editing … As soon as people stopped commenting he'd post another, talking about getting a guard dog etc etc. I snoozed the bitch for 30 days
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … I understand putting up one status for awareness, but yeah, priorities man
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Absolutely. Let everyone know your daughter is safe, descriptions of the men etc. But at some point it became all about him, he hasn't even mentioned her since it happened. That's the problem with social media, it gives anybody a platform.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Social media has a lot to do with the sense of entitlement everyone has these days. You tell everyone they are special and they'll start to believe it.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Just telling everyone that they're equal is enough. People need to know their place. Am I the equal of greats such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Donald Trump? Of course I'm not. Equality is the most ridiculous thing ever, nobody is equal.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … With social media people get attention whores, in Germany a law has already been changed due such behavior. As posting pictures of (dead) victims of accidents is a kind of a "trend" here...
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Everyone is equal nod. Achievements are subjective. And ultimately meaningless. We all just live and die taking absolutely nothing with us and leaving a world we will never see. Or at least that's my belief. We are all equally unimportant.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Do you believe that you are as important as somebody that genuinely changed the world for the better? I know I'm not.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … As unimportant, yes
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Created 2013-07-01 06:46 pm
Page creator Rich .
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