Magnifying glass User Average Score

4.0 Meh
Rated by 1 person
  • 7 years ago
    Okay, I get it now. I read an article somewhere that talked about what it means to play this game. Its Dark Souls with cars. Unforgiving and any mistake made is my own. Keeping that in mind I tried it again for the sixth(?) time and I actually finished a stage. Started the career and I came in second in the first race. It takes practice. I understand that now. But its still inexcusable how there's a 14 second penalty when you reset. That's just a middle finger to the player, adding insult to injury.
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  • 8 years ago
    Absolute garbage. Its so stuck up its own ass that it forgets the major thing that made all the previous Colin McRae games and first DiRT game enjoyable: the fun. The physics being the worst part of the game. Hit an embankment on the side of the road and you actually go flying! Sometimes spinning! When a games feels like the focus is on the challenge rather than the accessibility, it turns into an absolute chore to play. I've tried three times to honestly play this, but when I gather 2 minutes worth of penalties from having to recover my car due to the shoddy physics, I give up. $60 wasted.
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  • 8 years ago
    Fucking brilliant decision on their part

    "The big fear was that people who heard about the project without getting all the details might make some erroneous assumptions about the state of the game or Codemasters' plans, which would lead to a hive mind of negative sentiment around the game before it had a chance to win converts. One way Coleman said they got around that was to announce the game on Early Access all of five minutes or so before it was available on Steam.

    "People didn't really have time to dwell on it, and that was a tactical decision on our part," Coleman said. "We didn't want to announce and then allow people to dwell on the situation too much, the fact that perhaps the game wasn't going to be available on PS4 and Xbox One right off the bat, the fact that this was a new Dirt game but it might not be what people were expecting it to be. We wanted to catch people off guard."

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  • 8 years ago
    Which of these two games will probably have a higher rating on metacritic?
    #Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo or #Dirt Rally ?
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  • 9 years ago
    Wat. Where did this come from all of a sudden? pls codemasters, port it to consoles once it's finished. I need this.
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Released Yes

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Created 2015-04-28 03:50 pm
Page creator Gries He
Views 739
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