• 1 year ago
    My brother also believes the government are covering up aliens and ufos. He also belives in ghosts and that there is buried treasure on oak island.

    I wonder if he believes in stuff like bigfoot, mothman, abominable snowman, chupacabra etc too? I'll have to mention it, I bet if I plant the seed he'll be full on into it next time i see him.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I wanna know if he has any strange beliefs about NASA, outer space in general, gravity, and the Anunnaki
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'll ask him. I'm sure he thinks nasa is covering up the flat earth and stuff.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I heard something about the CIA or something wanting people to believe aliens were the ones mutilating their cattle and not them. Story is that the CIA had to cover up secret nuclear testing or something. The radiation would show up in the thyroid glands of cattle and they would cut out the thyroid glands but also more body parts to make it more confusing. No need to pay the farmers if they believed aliens did it and things can stay secret. I can’t remember where I heard this or it it holds truth or not but it seems more amusing to me if governments would actually want us to believe we have been visited by aliens instead of covering it up. That would be hilarious.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I recall hearing a story about an agency (CIA again?) misleading a journalist, and originating the Area 51 alien conspiracies. I don't remember where I heard this either, or if it's true.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I'm liking it. And to make their story more believable they could occasionally do strange aircraft experiments above residential areas or have like some sort of laser ufo disco show in the sky so people think they actually saw the aliens. Then when Xenu does finally come down to enslave us nobody will ever question the earlier ufo stories. Or who knows... maybe that Xenu is also just a CIA hologram or a secret genetic experiment where they mixed human DNA with that of crocodiles.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But why would the CIA experiment on farmers cows? They could just get their own and there's no chance of the secret getting out.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Governments absolutely do spread misinformation though, I wouldn't be surprised if all the ufo stories originated from them. I believe the Roswell story was a cold war propaganda story to scare those pesky commies, as was the ufos over the whitehouse. It was just to make Russia think before they started using their newly acquired nukes.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … No they didn't experiment on the cows, the cows were just near the nuclear testing and they had to cover up the evidence of the radiation poisoning that would show up in their thyroid glands of the cows and such (because radioactive iodine gets absorbed into the thyroid). They just had to get rid of the thyroid glands to hide the effects of the testing or they needed the thyroid glands to see the effects of the radiation.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … That must have been on the skinwalker ranch by brother talks about.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … lol I like the idea of thinking that the US thought Russia would be scared of alien stories. That whole time period was insane with all the crazy experiments and psy ops.
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  • 1 year ago
    My nutjob brother is at it again. He is now homeless and Spain kicked him out because he has no job, no savings and no visa. So he's back here living in his car.

    His GF split up with him because he owes her £30k.

    He went to my mothers house to get a shower and started lecturing her that soap and shampoo will give her cancer or some shit then he got a load of lemons and washed with lemon juice.

    He's absolutely off his tits.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I actually believe the stuff about the shampoo. This guy washes himself using only vinegar: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LNedlg1mQMw He also enters stores without a shirt.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … No! not the vinegar! That's like a modern version of an old wives tale. Whenever some ingredients seems bad, people immediately want to replace it with something that is 100% pure and holy in their minds (but often it is really not well thought out and vinegar is just too damn acidic for skin and hair). I'm sure there are things in shampoo that are bad for you. When I smell most people's shampoo and perfume I almost die. It just smells like synthetic death, but of all bad things people put in an on themselves I think shampoo is pretty low on the list of worry.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Spain seems like a great place to be homeless. Granada even has a little "free" camping spot for cheap travelers and hobo's right next to the Alhambra. There is free fruit and nuts everywhere growing on the trees. So he got kicked out huh? Seems like your bro is very neurotic. Seeking control in little things. He's probably stressed I bet. Does he seek help to get his life on track? Maybe his neurotic tendencies will go away a bit then. He's not in psychosis is he?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … That's where he bought a house, near Granada. He borrowed 30k off his ex and put just 5k in himself afford it. He had the money himself but he needed 25k in the bank plus 3k for a visa that only lasts a couple of years before you have to renew.. But then he never worked so spent all his money and now he can't live in Spain ever because he's broke so he is going to have to try sell the house from the UK and pay his ex back and start again from nothing. He's mental, he just makes bad decision after bad decision and ignores us. He won't work because the government just use us and fuck the man. Plus he's into every conspiracy going, everything is a lie.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … Lemons are actually great for washing the bathroom. I'm not so sure about the body, though …
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I stopped taking vinegar altogether bc I hear it damages not only your tooth enamel but also your stomach lining. I'm willing to believe the health benefits are overstated, if there even is any.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I have vinegar on my fish n chips. And lemon slice in my vodka n coke. They go inside your body not on the outside.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But like, why is he so dumb? And why is he into every conspiracy? He's into this great reset thing and thinks Trumps votings were rigged to get him out etc etc.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Oh and because I wouldn't lend him the 25k so he could stay in Spain another few years I'm the bad person. I'm a narcissist and jealous apparently.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … There is a difference between eating a splash of vinegar wit your meal which is healthy and chronically washing yourself in it and drinking it pure from a glass what some people do. That is when it becomes bad.
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  • 1 year ago
    My crazy brother thinks the government control the weather now. What is it with conspiracy theorists? They never just believe one theory, once they believe one they go all in on them all.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … There's even a term for this phenomenon, "crank magnetism." I think it's kind of upsetting to observe.
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  • 2 years ago
    Did I ever tell you guys about my brother? He's a fucking nutjob, it's mental how 2 kids brought up exactly the same can be so different. He followed me into engineering aged 16, our upbringing was indistinguishable and so was our early adult life. We both joined the armed forces a couple of years later. But since my brither split from his wife he's been mental. I've heard it all, the new world order, covid is a lie, the great reset etc etc. He's even gone so far as to buy a house in Spain(somehow that's better, is it the British government that are so bad?). He's spent all his extra money on gold and silver. So I'm like: Well if everything breaks down and food is king what good is gold? But apparently I'm an idiot. I just don't understand people like him. I get prepping, but it has to make sense, he makes no sense! Instead of buying gold buy an underground bunker cos I aint trading food for useless gold metal when my daughters are hungry. Bonkers mate.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I assume the reasoning is that gold is able to serve as currency basically but since it's not tied to any state, it will withstand the the collapse of governments. It's also possible that euros or dollars will begin to lose most of their value ahead of such an event occurring.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … So you swapping your tin of beans for a lump of metal if the world ends?
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … What you talking about? You love conspiracy theories. I think it’s good to just let him express his opinions even if you think it is nutty and it pisses you off. Especially since he’s your bro. I don’t know. I always think family is important. History teaches us you are better off distrusting your government than trusting it. There is sure as hell a lot of shady shit going on in the world and a lot of heavy framing on certain topics at least where I am. I’m not surprised that people are questioning things with all that going on. Just keep talking with each other and have a beer or the divide will widen and that’s no fun. It should not matter to you what he spends his money on right? What is it to you? If you think it is crazy just shrug it off. You buy takeout he buys gold. Who cares? (I’d rather have the gold t.b.h. considering the inflation :-P) Have a debate on what the best way of prepping is or something. Don’t make him feel like an outcast even if he calls you an idiot sometimes. You don’t even know how much I’ve been called an idiot throughout the years and what kind of things I have had to listen to. Believe me, your brother sounds a whole lot more sane than some people I have had to deal with. I’m the king and queen of idiots. Trust me I know what I’m talking about.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Oh, Klem. We'll always be brothers and we've had this discussion, and we'll still be brothers tomorrow. I've expained to him in simple terms capitalism, democracy, etc etc but he's self employed(he earns a fortune but only declares a fraction so the government don't get it) and still plays up which I find so ironic. I've also explained to him what the word conjecture means but here we are. Nothing he claimed will happen happened. Trump never got assassinated by navy seals and my money is still a thing.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But I do love conspicy theories! Gimme some more
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Last time I remember you mentioning him he was running a marathon or something. I also have a nutty sibling, but I haven't spoken to her in years at this point.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Yeah, he got something like 64th in the London Marathon a couple of years ago. He qualified for the ironman world championship on his first try too. Still a nut job
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I think he's depressed. It's since he split from his wife, and 99% of the time he doesn't show it but every now and then he'll rant about her, he'll even slag off her new husband or something, and they live 250 miles away and just get on with their own lives. So maybe this is some kind of mental thing, he needs to feel like he knows something we don't to make himself feel better. I can believe one conspiracy, we all suspect something every now and then but he's into them all. He told my parents not to get covid jabs because it's a lie and the jabs will kill them. But as I type they're isolating as they caught it last week and those jabs have probably saved their lives, my step dad is 75 and in bad health anyway.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … He also won't drink tap water. He says the government have poisoned it and that's why so many people are gay. He has a reverse osmosis filter built into his taps. I told him our water needs some minerals and it's not healthy to cut everything out but he won't listen.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … You guys do have disgusting tap water though. I have to give him that. It tastes like dish soap or something.
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Created 2016-01-30 02:58 pm
Page creator Erektionsite
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