• 9 years ago
    "It’s been a constant part of my experience ever since I began working at GameSpot. And the reality is that before I took the job, I knew a certain percentage of young, straight men would vocally object to the presence of a transgender woman on the staff of a gaming site. They feel entitled not only to games, but to the communities that had built up around games. For these men, the presence of women on these sites was acceptable only if they felt that the presence of those women was intended to appeal to them. When the harassment started rolling in, I found that I was able to withstand it. With the support and acceptance of my colleagues, it was usually possible for me to dismiss the hatred I received as baseless, fearful expressions. I don't think the harassment is about me, I think it's about them. And I think the industry, and our place in it, is worth fighting for." - Carolyn Petit
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  • Filly Vanilli wrote her opinion about Carolyn Petit
    10 years ago
    Screw the haters because Ms. Petit is awesome. She's one of the few well known people in the industry who questions misogyny and sexism in games, and one of few (possibly the only?) well known representatives of trans people in said industry. She deals with the incessant transphobia and homophobia hurled at her with a level head, and she's probably one of my favorite people on Twitter who I'm following.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … The amount of hatred she has to endure every single time she posts a review or an article is alarming and saddening at the same time. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, just because their opinions differ from, say, mine. To be fair, she does keep raising the question of sexism and misogyny in games way too often and there have been several times where she was flat out wrong (wish I had the time to post the examples). I don't have a problem with her raising that question (even though I've expressed my opinion on the subject many times before), however when you talk so often about a certain topic, it's not too uncommon for you to get completely lost in/consumed by that topic. I just feel that she weaves that topic in such a large portion of her work now, called or uncalled for, that the message gets often lost. And that's the biggest problem I have with her, since she has written in the past some great work (be it about this topic or not relevant to it), but now she's become too personally involved in this topic. So much so, that I no longer care about her new pieces. Still, everyone who posts all that vile shit against her should be ashamed.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Nah, I figure there aren't nearly enough people doing this in the public eye, so one person maybe "overdoing" it doesn't seem like that big of a problem to me.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Can't say I agree with that. If only one person sets an example and nobody follows it, then goes on a personal crusade, all on their own, that will get the said person nowhere and he/she will only trigger apathy or, at worst, hatred from everyone around him/her. That's not good for said person, nor for the end goal he/she might be striving for. Personally, I think Gamespot is handling this pretty poorly. They say they support Ms. Petit, but then why not let someone else write an article about the subject matter? That way you'll show your support far more than simply banning/writing off people in the comment section. Besides, if more people speak about this ''problem'', more people will take interest.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Well, of course, ideally, you'd want more people talking about an issue instead of one person just talking about it a lot. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people employed in the games industry aren't well equipped to talk about sexism from an informed perspective--they have neither the personal experience of what it means to be a woman, nor any academic background with women's issues/sexism or, in many cases, other intersecting systems of oppression, such as racism.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Of course, participating in such discussions can be a great way to learn about these things. Problem is most men on the internet I see trying to talk about sexism just go into a constant state of denial of any systemic privilege they have over women, and/or get defensive, defeating the whole purpose of the dialogue. If more gamers would actually consider the points feminists are making without letting their Defensive White Heterosexual Man impulses take over, conversations about gender would become much more productive. But, I digress. I guess my point is that it would be better if we had more people talking about these issues instead of just singular crusaders like Petit, but only if they are A) reasonably well informed on the matter or B) willing to actually listen to knowledgeable people in the absence of knowledge. And as the industry currently is, there aren't that many people who fall in either category.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Well said, however I feel that both sides are slowly (well, not exactly slowly), but surely going to the opposite extremes. The truth is somewhere in the middle, but neither side wants to acknowledge it, since that would mean they'd have to retreat on some of their previous statements. And we all know how often that happens in such debates.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … You think feminists are becoming more extreme when it comes to women's issues in the game industry? I'm not sure I've seen much of that, but I also have kind of tuned out of the news blogs and such that I used to follow daily.
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    • dvd
      Editing … I never noticed the sexism in gaming, but the sexist hysterics among the gaming community of late is obvious and embarrassing. It's ironic that it's the rabid anti-feminism crowd that's been highlighting the problems and changing the way I view things with their pure undeniable idiocy, not the feminists.
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Created 2013-12-10 09:23 am
Page creator Filly Vanilli
Views 542
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