• 8 years ago
    Finished watching the fifth episode, and they are kinda turning around my main complain of the series, which was the fact that the characters weren't based much on their real counterparts, which ruined the whole point of the series. Thankfully the characters seem to have evolved to look like their real life versions, Bray Wyatt was introduced in this episode and he was instantly one of my fav characters, he was insane and talked mesmerizing gibberish, just like the real Bray Wyatt, then they build the whole insects and rats living in his body, which was kinda funny, but didn't run THAT much from Bray's character. John Cena being presented as the annoying good guy who tries to be nice at all times is kinda what he is in WWE, and then having him listen to gansgta rap was a nice nod to the old Rapper Cena from the early 2000s. Paige being friends with the Bellas is meh, but whatever, they're the girls of the series. The Undertaker is one of those that still don't fit much the badass deadman country badass he is in WWE. Intead going for a morbid and gothic kid, although I don't mind that, it's still a bit related to the char.
    What really, really pisses me off is R-Truth's character.
    In WWE R-Truth is a stupid, crazy guy who is generally the source of comedy on the show. Throughout his career he had a imaginary friend, he walked into a promo to a match he wasn't even in, he walked to a Royal Rumble match thinking it was a ladder match, quickly jumping to catch the title that obviously wasn't there. He is hilarious and I think his character would really fit a comedy animated series more than anyone else in WWE.
    Yet what is R-Truth in the series? Token black guy. He isn't funny, he isn't crazy, he doesn't even have a imaginary friend. Instead he is the stereotypical hip black kid you see in every series. WHY?! You don't need that, or if you do, use someone else. Fuck, use The Godfather, that would be hilarious! It would be a black pimp KID! That could be used for some fun moments as well and you could kinda have a more stereotypical black kid.
    R-Truth is an amazing character! Use it well!
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Created 2016-05-20 12:28 pm
Page creator MasterCrash
Views 463
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