• Klemoib
      Editing … That will be the end of me because I always talk to every npc until the dialogue is exhausted. Also I'm not using a mic to talk to polygon people.
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  • 7 months ago

    Oh shit, just ban me from the entire internet right now.

    I love the banter, some of it's hilarious. I mean, who really gets upset when a 13 year old says he fucked your mom?
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Why the fuck would I even play Call of Duty if I can't call my teammates cockgoblins
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Game has no value anymore. Also that's fucking creepy as hell.
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  • 3 years ago
    I've been thinking again. AI taking our jobs, it's all bullshit! Who pays taxes? People do, machines don't. You think the government is going to allow 25% of tens of millions of peoples earnings just drop off the grid? Not a chance. Especially when they will have to support all those displaced workers too.

    I can see NEW jobs being created to support the AI doing the cleaning or whatever menial tasks they do. But they can't take more jobs than can be created or there will be a social instability, everything we know will collapse. Nobody abroad can buy stuff created by our machines because they'll be unemployed too, so the market is non existent, foreign machines don't buy food and shit, so why make it if you can't sell it? It's never going to happen. I've seen a lot of stuff lately about self driving trucks but there's no way AI can drive a truck like a human, anybody thinking otherwise has never driven one off the motorway.

    Nah, it's all cool. Humans are safe.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … I just assumed that you were talking about Haley Joel Osment...
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I think people adapt and there's still going to be a lot distribution environments that have robotics facilitating humans in doing their jobs rather than taking over. I worked at an Amazon facility for a bit and we had robots but they really just did most of the heavy lifting. It was wonderful, the easiest distribution job I've ever worked. In terms of trucking, I think you're right when it comes to city environments but the long haul game will probably be taken over by AI. I would guess you'll see more sort facilities popping up outside city centers where those long haul trucks will stop to distribute the goods to a smaller EV fleet of human-driven trucks. Granted I'm talking US where long haul is I think more prevalent than in the UK. Robotics is a fast growing industry that needs programmers, designers, engineers, and mechanics. It will all just shift to where it's needed.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Once the machines take over, they won't need taxes. Why waste money on humans when the machines have everything taken care of. What are the populace going to do about it? Not like they can go on strike if they aren't working.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … @Silent, nah money would become worthless, there would be nothing to live for if robots did everything. Any government proposing to get jobs back would be in at the next election.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … @Kevin I think you're thinking along the same lines I am. If I was a criminal though I'd be targeting those trucks. All you need to do is put something in the road and they'd stop so you could rob them.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … Let's hope I'm wrong but: I don't think every suit-carrying CEO thinks as far ahead as you do. The short-term profit gain might be too appealing to do it anyway.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Yeah, I think we'll see some Wood, quick money is a good motivator but it can't last, it doesn't make any sense economically. I'm thinking things are just going to be like computers. Nobody lost their jobs because of computers, people use computers to do their jobs instead. Even as a driver I use a sat nav and have computers running the engine of my truck. We'll coexist with AI and things will just carry on like they always did somehow.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … The only other situation I can think of is if AI/robots take all work so humans don't have to work. But just think of the problems that will cause! Who gets to live in the nice house and who lives in the shithole? Who makes the decisions? I believe in meritocracy but how would anybody ever be anything, how would the cream rise to the top? Would we all just have to be equal? Nobody is equal. Would we just accept this in order to not work? By today's society rules everything we do either advances us or restricts us within that system, once you take that away what is the point in anything? Why try hard? You're only going to get the same food delivered that your neighbour does, will we even get to decide what food we want? By giving up potential power we will lose much more.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … "Who makes the decisions?" — Robo Judge Dredd.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I hate that Judge Dredd film. It's awful.
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  • 4 years ago
    I'm curious how Nintendo will fair in the future if they don't plan to invest in AI and machine learning themselves. Stylized visuals and unique controllers will only get them so far, if everything else in gaming will look THIS good and be cheap to produce. The applications for AI usage just keep on growing.
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  • 9 years ago
    Here's a conversation between two AIs, PARRY and ELIZA, in 1973. One was designed as a paranoid schizophrenic and the other as a Rogerian psychotherapist.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Really interesting read, actually, I liked the "*It's clear to me if not to you." and " Oh? I showed some interest in your feelings? comment: must have been an accident..."
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    • Aramonde
      Editing … I assume the lines with no asterisks was the doctor? Sometimes i couldn't tell which was which.
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Created 2014-05-08 03:39 am
Page creator Explojin
Views 593
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