• Dr Eggnog wrote his opinion about A Canterlot Wedding (Part 1)
    9 years ago
    "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Most re-watchable episode ahoy! Twilight having a brother is a nice bombshell. I love her anger of her brother not telling her about the wedding in advance. It's pretty understandable. There's a wonderful balance here between Cadence seeming like a jerk enough for Twilight's paranoia to be understandable and Cadence's actions being excusable enough for her friends to defend her. And the drama at the end is just awesome. Twilight does the right thing... in the worst and most awkward way possible. When Shining de-bunks everything Twilight's said, I actually started to wonder if maybe Twilight had been wrong. Cue kickass cliffhanger. Only weird thing is that Twilight said she'd never had any friends but her brother, yet her relationship with Cadence sounds very friendly. Whatever. ACW is awesome.
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Alternative Names

Hochzeit in Canterlot – Teil 1
Una Boda en Canterlot - Parte 1
Vive Les Mariés - Partie 1

Page Info

Created 2014-05-26 07:00 am
Page creator Liny An
Views 374
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