Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.8 Not bad
Rated by 8 people
  • 2 years ago
    Oh man, I heard a lot of bad reviews for the Fast & Furious sequel, but I guess it's a gay romance.

    Wait, is this seriously what I'm watching in this review? Tyrese and Paul Walker were best bros in freaking Barstow, California? That's the smallest, whitest city on the West Coast! Maybe this film is more of a bromance than I thought.

    I should watch this again...
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Alternative Names

2 Fast 2 Furious d o E
Rapides et Dangereux 2 F

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-01-21 08:09 am
Page creator Explojin
Views 694
  • Trailer
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