• 10 years ago
    Surprised about all the negativity surrounding this and AFFC. Perhaps unrealistic expectations during the 5/6 year wait had something to do with it. Having read them all at once I didn't notice a dip in quality after Storm of Swords, it just became less plot heavy and more focused on world building which I think was necessary after the events of the 3rd book. Having such a wide range of POVs has been fascinating, infact my favourite POV chapters in the entire series were in Feast (Cersei chapters) closely followed by the Reek chapters from Dance. Its an incredible series that keeps getting better
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … It's still a good book but like you say the plot slows down and it feels like there's a bit more padding. Plus the characters being divided between books is annoying on its own, a lot of my favourites are only in Dance which ruined Feast a bit for me.
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    • Tom Smyth
      Tom Smyth
      Editing … Yeah that must have been incredibly frustrating if you've waited 5 years for Feast to come out, essentially having to wait 11 years for an update on J/D/T. Taken as a 1500 page megabook (I did skip forward briefly and read the opening chapters of Dance) I think those books are important in making the world feel that much richer, I wouldnt necessarily call it padding, except maybe the odd Brienne chapter and (strangely for him) certain Tyrion chapters. Admittedly there are less major plot beats so HBO can probably get away with adapting Feast/Dance into 1 series! Now its time to get hyped for Winds and increase expectations to ridiculous heights, shit's going down!
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    • Tom Smyth
      Tom Smyth
      Editing … This is a fascinating analysis of the events in Meereen. Completely changed my opinion on the way her character develops in Dance and I'm eager to read those chapters again http://meereeneseblot.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/untangling-the-meereenese-knot-part-i-who-poisoned-the-locusts/
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I just thought it wasn't the right mix of plot and exploring the world any more and the books are less eventful for it. A lot of the Dorne/Ironborn/Brienne chapters were purely for world building, I didn't like that and yeah I thought the Tyrion chapters weren't as great too. Another thing was that Dance really annoyed me with chapters in Meereen and in the North building up to battles that were put off until the next book. If you want to read people's theories you should have a look through this when you get the chance: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/79775-a-compendium-of-theories/
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    • Tom Smyth
      Tom Smyth
      Editing … Nice! I'm slowly catching up on the various theories on Tower of the Hand but that's one handy compendium! Mind blowing stuff....just wow. Had to dive straight into a re-read but in audiobook form this time (after reading r+l=j!). I read somewhere GRRM intended to end Dance with the battle for Meereen, but it was cut due to the size of the manuscript. It did seem bizarre that they chose to push back the ultimate pay-off for the Meereen storyline, but having read that essay on the Meereenese Knot I'm now convinced he ended Dany's storyline beautifully. It's been a slow but believable transformation, no more internal conflict now, Fire and Blood is imminent! I wasn't too interested in the ironborn either, I just want more Crows Eye. Dorne has been fascinating though, absolutely loving the Doran/Areo Hotah combo, Doran is one shrewd motherfucker, certainly up there with Queen of Thorns/Littlefinger as one of the best players, I look forward to more scheming from him!
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