• Ulty wrote his opinion about Terminator Genisys
    8 years ago
    I'm glad this movie exists. It sucks shit when you think about it, but after Salvation this is like the new Terminator 2!

    I went to see this movie for two reasons, first was that i'm a huge Terminator fan and second was that i'm a huge Arnie fan. I didn't went into this movie expecting a good plot with good characters, I went in just to watch Arnie kicking ass! That was the only redeemable part of the movie, unfortunately. It starts out pretty promisingly though, the interaction between John Connor and Kyle Reese felt genuine and the world during the war looked really cool. But I knew once they started to time travel, that this horsehit of a story would go down faster than you can say "What?!".

    Effects looked fake for the most part, but surprisingly I thought the set design and make up effects were decent. The performances were pretty boring, I liked Arnie and the guy who played John Connor but that's about it.

    Go in wih the right expectations, and you might survive...
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