• Michael Z wrote his opinion about Southland Tales
    9 years ago
    Richard Kelly was the toast of the film-making world after Donnie Darko, a rather brilliant movie that was great not *because* but *in spite* of its director. Case in point: Donnie Darko The Director's Cut - that rarest of occurences where the director's original vision is actually *inferior* to what occured after producers and distributors intervened (the auteur theory is bullshit, by the way). Exhibit B? Southland Tales. Hugely ambitious, but all the best ambition in the world won't help you if a can't tell a halfway coherent story. What is it? A political satire? A story about parallel universes? A story about the end of the world? Time travel? Porn? Anarchy? What the hell is going on? No, it's not multifaceted. It's just an incomprehensible mess that desperately tries to be funny and clever and zeitgeist-y, but simply fails at doing so. (Disclaimer: I saw the Cannes 2006 edit. Chances are the final release wasn't quite such a mess, so I stand free to be corrected on this one.)
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