• 4 months ago
    One late night I tried the PSP port of Mario 64 and I was greeted w "Itsa me!! Mario!!!!" First thing I do is turn the volume down, but I was already at the lowest volume. My only choices are "all of China knows you're here" or mute. The game itself also doesn't have any options other than stereo / mono / headset.

    PSP port of Doom had the same issue. Fucking loud or mute. There are volume settings for music and sfx but changing them had no effect. I guess they're simply there as a leftover from the PC version, the modder who ported the game didn't bother to program them to work on the PSP. It's kind of interesting from a technical standpoint, in addition to being hilarious. That said, I swear I started Doom 1 from the select prompt but it was Doom 2 that booted up, so maybe the whole thing was just a fubar coded piece of shit and I shouldn't read too much into it.

    Anyway I would pin it on them being homebrew but these are not isolated incidents. Gradually over time I would find that PSP games are really loud on the lowest volume setting. In fact I used to LIKE this about the PSP. "Hey, the game is the volume I want by default how convenient is that!" And it means I can quickly toggle between sound on/off for when I want to yell at my mom to make me hot pockets. When a game had volume that actually worked the way it should e.g. LittleBigPlanet PSP, I found it really strange and I somehow looked down on the game for it. Like you'd have to increase the volume meter to halfway to be able to hear the game. How laborious! And I can no longer mute the game on a whim when I want it! Whack!

    I would imagine that this flaw of the PSP would "ruin" the system for me and the only reason it hasn't (thus far at least) is because so many games let you adjust music/sfx volume in the settings, thereby bailing out the system on an individual game basis. Come to think of it, after a certain point I probably began to use this feature in every single PSP game that offers it, without fail, often lowering the sfx to 40% if not lower (and often disabling music altogether) without ever really stopping to notice the fact of it. If not for the ability to do this, this flaw could very well have been the PSP's equivalent of the way the OLED Vita's minimum screen brightness is locked to Complete Ocular Destruction. At least with Vita there is a plugin that addresses the screen thing, but the PSP does not have one to fix the sound. At least, I don't think there is one.

    tl;dr - I'm getting old and can't enjoy anything anymore
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … You will enjoy cooking Ruk. Even old people like cooking.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I already tried cooking during my vegan years. I even uploaded pictures of my meals to wordpress and imgur. (cringe) Almost all of it was unhealthy slop. I made bourginion, chili, pasta, vegan bbq, pancakes. and even banana bread. Fucking BANANA BREAD. I'm done. I've gotten it out of my system. I will never cook again.
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    • rockshard PhD
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … If I enjoyed cooking, maybe I wouldn't be underweight
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    • Nodley
      Editing … That food looks pretty good rukk.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … @Husky if you enjoyed beer you wouldn't be underweight
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Your food pics look fine to me. Only thing I question is all the white bread, white pasta and white rice everywhere. I don't know why you were so unhappy with that food. It even looks relatively balanced. Much healthier than traditional American folk food such as McDonalds and Chinese takeout and energy drinks. Also if you keep cooking, you will become better at it at your food will only get tastier. It's an investment. It takes time but it's worth it for sure. Also takeout is fucking expensive I don't understand how people eat out all the time. Are they made of money?!
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Cooking should only be done when it's required, like rice, potatoes or meat, and nothing else should be done to it. Anything else is literally just playing with your food. It's at best a hobby, kinda like that guy who makes sculptures out of chocolate. Which I guess is nothing wrong, it's just not for me.
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    • rockshard PhD
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I made my kebab! I used 1kg of lamb mince, paprika, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion salt, herbs..... maybe some other stuff I'm forgetting too. It was too big to fit in our little blender so I got the potato masher out and spent 20 minutes mashing, my arms are aching. I definitely need to invest in a blender! I rolled it into a sausage, wrapped it in foil and it's in the fridge marinating for 24 hours. I love cooking, it's exciting. I don't even care that the main reason I'm doing this is so I know every ingredient that goes in my body, I've caught the cooking bug and I really enjoy creating stuff now. You should cook again rukk, I'd defo eat those pics you posted.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Your spaghetti w Chick'n & sausage looks like it might be tasty. I might have a go at that, I've had something similar in an Italian restaurant. EDIT: It looks like it was rigatoni vesuvio that I had: https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x4878bfc6fb85729f%3A0xd773071e9e120272!15sCgIYIQ&viewerState=lb&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia4ePfx-6DAxV03QIHHdIRCAMQzeMEegQIDxAA
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … "Cooking should only be done when it's required, like rice, potatoes or meat, and nothing else SHOULD be done to it." This is why you can't enjoy things. :-P If life is only about function then you do not need entertainment, you do not need nice furniture and you do not need tasty food. You do not need anything outside of the few basic tings that functionally keep you alive.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … You at least care about the taste of food otherwise you would not have to eat out, you could just grab the basic building blocks of life and eat them without seasoning. Would save a lot of money too. If you don't enjoy cooking I guess that's just that. Nobody can make you enjoy something you don't like but cooking is a handy skill to have because it lets you make food taste great without having to buy it at some takeout store filled with sweaty hairy underpaid people preparing the ingredients.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Oh food is art! I like it.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I'm tired of tasty food. My biology can no longer handle it. I want plain fucking food. It's funny how much that is apparently a problem, like I need to be catered to specifically because I don't want to keep overingesting on cooking oils, salt, and sweeteners until my organs rot.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I wanna pinch you so bad
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … this is cooking in a nutshell: https://twitter.com/shitpost_2077/status/1749016487912779817
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … wow, on point https://m.youtube.com/shorts/ikYIiXvblY8 this is video is just like the cringey origin stories my dad used to make up for words. Like how sandwich was invented by a witch who hung out on the beach, and America was named after an Erica who would wake everyone up early every morning. EDIT: You know, this story actually sounds plausible? Maybe sauces were invented as a way to mask poison. (Bc if you add poison to a dry food, it would be too obvious)
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … You know ruk, I've known a lot of people with peculiar opinions but I keep being surprised. But you saying this all really has me questioning why you eat out. If you want plain food that's really easy to make and takeout food always has high amounts of added oil and salt. The only way you can get food without that is by cooking it yourself.
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Simple, bc I don't want to cook. I've decided to avoid gas fumes and detergents like the plague. There are other reasons, but I guess that's the main one. I was going to say that I want to avoid food prep, as all that chopping and washing is deceptively adrenaline inducing (even without taking account the carb rush from the food itself) and very bad for my hand washing / OCD disorders. But all food requires prep to a degree, even takeout. (e.g. reheating leftovers, disposing of containers, washing utensils, etc etc) So I suppose the prep part of it isn't a dealbreaker in of itself. It comes down to what degree of prep is involved.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Fuck I want to punch you in the tit so much
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … I get that a lot
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Never try to reason with a rock or you will learn the hard way.
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