• 3 months ago
    Those who are curious this is my video about the most populous german cities from 1351 to 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVItiwDv9Lc i know kind of crappy looking but it is a first...
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Berlin came out of nowhere. Makes me wonder what the next big city will be.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Berlin was between B and C-Tier the whole time (between 20s and 30s), but with the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia it went through the roof.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Frankfurt has potential due its current central location, but borders will change obviously...
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I also somehow get the idea that Leipzich is popular ish? A lot of people who do art but can't afford Berlin go to live in Leipzich. I never liked Leipzich though most people there are unfriendly in my experience (just like Berlin). But that's probably just a large city thing.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Haven't been in Leipzig, so cann't tell. Assume rich history mostly from 17th bis 19th century recognicable in buildings. Also it has a harbour ,for a canal, yes said canal was planned in late 1920s and never got finished ,nor connected as there is even a separate part in the middle of nothere halfway planned route, due a certain famous mustache man but the harbour looked nice in the documentary to be fair.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Didn't they rebuild the building in Leipzig to look like the old buildings before the bombing? It's kind of a reverse Rotterdam then. In Rotterdam they thought "so all our old historical buildings are gone? well....that's excellent! because now there is room to build new ugly modern buildings instead. Also let's make every building in a different style so nothing goes together"
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Restoring old buildings in a city center was common, ugly new ones aren't rare either depends on location. Especially in former east germany, Eisenhüttenstadt next to the polish border is known for its "depression causing" look. Wolfsburg in the west isn't known for its beauty too.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … When I see such buildings I just really wonder what they were thinking. In Zwolle there used to be a lot more beautiful historical buildings but in the 80s there was a mayor called Loopstra but he gained the nickname "Sloopstra" (which is a mix of his name and the word demolish) after he demolished many of those historical buildings and replaced them with ugly 80s architecture. He also for no good reason demolished large parts of the city walls which had been there from the beginning since the 1300s. People pleaded with him and protested but he just did what he wanted. Now those kick ass buildings have been forever lost and what was built instead is hideous. Everybody regretted what happened. Even people on his side. It's like sometimes people are taken over by the times and do not think about what came before. A brainless thirst for the new. The 80s were weird I'm glad I wasn't there to see it.
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