• 1 year ago
    We got wind turbines in Hull to save the environment. One of them has been on fire for approximately 7 hours and belching toxic fumes across the city so we have to keep the windows closed. The fire brigade don't have a ladder big enough lmao.

    Let's go nuclear instead, it's far better for the environment.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Such planning fits for Germany also, any bigger project a disaster. According EU nuclear energy has been declared green, gas also if not mistaken. I shouldn't wonder anymore...
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    • Nodley
      Editing … It looks cool though, it might bring in some tourism. https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/141FC/production/_126182428_fzn_kx9wqae1v7d.jpg
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … Most of the wind turbines in California are far away from the residential areas, so we never hear about that stuff. Hunh...
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    • Nodley
      Editing … They should stick them out in the sea or something. Or on a big windy hill.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I saw a picture of two workers here on a turbine to maintain it and the turbine caught fire when they were standing ontop of it. One of the workers chose to stay there and burn and the other chose to jump. Wind turbines are a joke. They should have never built those things in the first place. They catch fire half of the time and they don't turn half of the time and they use massive amounts of materials and they are ugly and they don't make much energy and they ruin the landscape and they blend up rare wild birds. I say break em all down and build cool boats out of them .
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Hull makes all the turbines, if people stopped buying them we'd lose thousands of jobs.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … I am tired of discussions there not to build them in Germany, away from villages, nature/ woods, outside coastal sea and so on. So many exceptions that hardly a location is fine, read a call nuclear plant...
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Is wind energy even worth doing? Can't we do some kind of water powered thingy instead? Surely 2 tide movements a day creates a lot of energy. The world surface is like 70% water with nobody on it so why don't we use it more? Also why don't we build desalination plants? We have hosepipe bans now because of a drought yet we're surrounded by water.
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Consider wind, water and solar as worthy, then location is properly selected for effiiciency. Desalination is told needing a lot of energy, calling it expensive. Asking me they could add some solar panels on the desalination plant buildings to reduce such, just my thought.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Wind and solar need to be backed up with gas to pick up the gaps in energy. Our entire infrastructure is also built for consistent energy flow. Not the peaks wind and solar produce. The energy flow needs to stay consistent so gas is needed to pick up the slack. Also only about 4 % of our energy is wind and solar. It's a joke. If you want to make it 100% the whole country would be ugly and then I am not even mentioning the future waste problems of replacing used up solar panels and windmills. Nuclear energy would be consistent enough to take over from gas and also realistic in the amount of energy it produces. France has it and it works fine. Nuclear is not perfect but it's more in the realm of realistic thinking if you would want to replace gas. I'm not for replacing gas perse though for now. I think it only should be replaced once we have found something that is truly better and not some Disney idea of eco living. I would not be that opposed to nuclear because it can be very safe, and the amount of waste can be very small in some techniques but I just know that in the real world maintenance and safety are often "forgotten" for convenience.
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