• 7 years ago
    More like Fantastic Characters and Music as Well and a Franchise That Grows With its Audience Them
    actually that's not so catchy
    The characters are lovely, and I'll drink bleach if Dan Fogler wasn't the audience favorite.
    "I'll be damned" sounded so standard, but "I'll drink bleach" is a bit intense.
    The soundtrack fits very well with the franchise, and most of all, I'm impressed that J.K. Rowling wrote the story to appeal to her current audience. This wasn't just a young adult story, it was made for the now grown up Harry Potter fans (and surely the newer fans as well).

    Seeing as this is a part of the Harry Potter series, we expect a fair degree of spectacle, and even though lots of the CGI was very obvious, the ways that the actors interacted with the computer generated beasts and environments was very convincing. This really says something: it wasn't the quality of the CGI that created realism, it was the interaction. #The Jungle Book had very advanced CGI, but Mowgli's interactions with all of it was so unconvincing, that it made the environments and animals look subpar.

    Prequel trilogies to famous film franchises haven't got the best reputation, have they? Luckily they changed it to five prior to release, dodging the curse 8-).

    Very major spoilers follow.
    SpoilerThe Obscurus was VERY well CGI'd, especially when Graves was encountering it. The use of depth of field in that scene also added immensely to its realism. Further on the topic of Graves, Colin Farrell made for an excellent villain. I'm actually really disappointed that Grindelwald has to be played by Depp and not Farrell, as I was constantly impressed by his performance. If only there were some reason for Grindelwald to resume that disguise again at some point.
    Just imagine if nobody knew what Grindelwald looked like, and he'd never been caught before, so Graves could just be a pseudonym. Then we'd see this wonderful portrayal throughout all five films!
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