• 7 years ago
    Well that was fucking awful.

    You want to have different directors for different entries to your franchises cause "they'll all feel different lel" Tom Cruise? Fine, w/e I honestly don't give a fuck. What I don't get is why in the ever living fuck is Edward Zwick on the "action film" rotation. I honestly am not a big fan of the Zwick man in general, but god damn does he really have no business making a movie like this - and you can tell this almost immediately cause of just how generic this shit is. Doesn't, by the way, help that you cannot be bother to give one fuck this time around Cruise. You're not funny or charismatic or fucking anything worth wild cause you're too busy being generic, boring, tough guy #1,000,000. At least in the first one you tried, at least in the first one you had Christopher McQuarrie direct cause at least he can direct a some what competent and enjoyable genre pic, at least in the first one you had mother fucking Werner Herzog (I mean that alone knocks like 5 points off the sequel for not having someone near as good).

    In short: fuck off and die movie.

    also no I'm not updating the page, wouldn't want to put more effort into something then the movie did.
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