Alive N. Dying

  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Time Hollow
    9 years ago
    This game has a unique charm about it, at least that I've come across in my time playing video games. Now, I've played my fair share of titles with anime or other Japanese influences, but for some inexplicable reason, this one grabbed me and refused to let me go. But no game is perfect, with this one being no exception. The game is rather short on a whole, and the story has the feeling of an school essay in that it starts off well and feels really polished, and ends a bit rushed like they're exited to finish already. Some of the things the game has you do are rather roundabout and I found myself referring to a walkthrough more than once. The game has a case of railroading the dialogue. But besides this, I found myself quite loving the ga
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  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Age of Empires Online
    10 years ago
    I hate this game. I really do. Being a game in the Age of Empires franchise, you think it'd be good, right? Wrong. My main gripe about this game is the microtransactions. And it's not even the tolerable microtransactoins like purely cosmetic things, they're unit upgrades and other guaranteed game victory items. And these microtransactions aren't just to the side, they're in your face the whole game. Speaking of in your face, the art style of this game is radically different from any other Age of Empires game. They seemed to think that a cartoony approach would be good for this game, but it looks absolutely ridiculous, like how the rest of the game feels. The only fun you can have is playing with a friend and making fun of the game with
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  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Battletoads
    10 years ago
    A game so well-constructed that even though it was hard as anything and annoying, you still played and played, trying to reach the ultimate goal of beating the game. I honestly don't know why everyone rags on it so much- I loved and still love the game. It was also a fantastic game for trolling, which is fine by me any day. The feeling of beating the living hell out of the enemies, then turning around and bashing your buddies's face in is what started me on the road to trolling in the first place. This game was also largely influential in the building of my patience of the supremely annoying. Overall, a hilariously difficult and silly game that's good to play by yourself or with your friends.
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  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Freedom Fighters
    10 years ago
    For one of the first games I ever played, it holds up surprisingly well under the graphics barrier with fabulous game play, sound, and action. Set in an imaginary war where the Russians invade the U.S., you play a charismatic plumber that can kick some serious ass. You start off the game as a nobody and end it a hero. The campaign was compelling, and the unique kind of-squad-based game play features set its place as an instant classic. The multiplayer was well done because it played exactly the same as the campaign- not just a hastily slapped-together deathmatch. The mix between capture the flag and king of the hill worked especially well with the game play mechanics built into the game, and was pulled off without a hitch.
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  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Call of Duty: World at War
    10 years ago
    For another WWII FPS game that came out in the time where WWII FPS-es were coming out all over the place, the campaign is special because it followed a bunch of nobodies no one's ever heard of (mostly because they don't really exist) in this massive war, and did it well. I will forever remember it as one of the few games where you can blow off people's limbs in a satisfying fashion. The multiplayer was well executed in that all the newbies were packed together so you wouldn't have super-vet crushing someone who's never played the game before. You can also blow people's limbs off. Treyarch's then-revolutionary zombie mode blew my mind much like I blew zombie's heads off. This game is one of my favourites, and was an instant classic.
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  • Alive N. Dying wrote his opinion about Bulletstorm
    10 years ago
    Bulletstorm is nice if you want nothing but pure, sadistic action, with a nice mix of difficulty. The skillshot system was new, fresh, and reasonably well executed- not to mention painfully creative. The single player campaign was handled well enough to not bore people with about as much exposition and story as you'd expect in a game called "Bulletstorm," but with enough story to keep a player compelled enough to keep playing through the game- with the assistance of performing new, cool skillshots, and unlocking new murder-weapons and their abilities. The multiplayer is essentially a glorified horde mode, but not as fun. Overall, a fun game for renting and plowing through for fun, but not for long-term purchase.
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  • Alive N. Dying joined Favslist
    10 years ago
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