• 8 years ago
    For this alone I forgive you, Crapcon. You DID fail it all big-time in the past, but...I guess it's about that time you've actually managed to redeem yourself a bit in my eyes after all...don't get me wrong, though. Crapcon, I still deeply hate and outright LOATHE your practices of doing business and treating your fan base, but...even such a truly snobby BIOHAZARD series' fan like me simply can not deny that this HD Remaster DLC costume pack is purely perfect. It truly did redeem you quite a bit in my eyes, Crapcon. Not entirely, but still quite a bit nonetheless. You've managed to satisfy me after all these years, I do admit it. Not only did you include the ONLY 100% TRULY CANON costume of Rebecca's (her very first model from the very first rendition of the original absolutely uncensored/uncut BIOHAZARD, the costume that's been only in one game so far, and that one is the VERY FIRST ORIGINAL UNCENSORED JAPANESE RELEASE OF THE YEAR 1996) in this DLC pack of yours, but you've also put BOTH her "reworked" red version AND her N64 design of the costume in there. This is, pretty much, a most perfect costume pack any "BIOHAZARD"-themed game could've ever asked for. Crappy costume packs from such titles as BIOHAZARD Nemesis or Dino Crisis can only dream of such quality treatment (just shows yet once again that in the past Crapcon was absolutely asinine and didn't understood/refused to understand how to treat it's fan audience). The only thing I can strive to hope for, is that you, Crapcon, finally got it together, stopped being so stubborn and arrogant, and you finally began to understand how to treat your player community right, with respect it deserves. You've did everything absolutely 100% right this time around, Crapcon. Continue on doing things just the way you're doing them right now, and maybe sometime in the near future you will finally fully redeem yourself in my eyes after all. And please, whatever you'll be doing in the future, do not make me regret these words of mine. Stay "BIOHAZARD 0 HD Remaster"-level of good quality, Crapcon. Just stay right at this level. This is the absolutely right spot at which you should be standing. For everyone.
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