• 8 years ago
    This list should be changed to Favorite modern day crooks.
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    • Not Important
      Not Important
      Editing … I agree. People like Kofi Annan, Aung San Suu Kyi and Tenzin Gyatso are horrible bastards and they should be hanged immediately.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Looking at the state of the top 25 at the moment I can see where @Mr. C - got the impression. Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Vladimir Putin, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, Jeremy Corbyn and Ben Carson are all in the top 25, it's madness. None of them have been ranked by more than 3 people though so hopefully when more of us make the list they won't even be in the top 100.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Agree as well. There's no such thing as a good politician these days, or even a likeable one...
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Ah c'mon Ulty. I don't know any good/likeable Portugese politicians myself but I'd guess there's a good chance that's because I'm not Portugese and only know about Barroso. I could give you a fair few British examples but I'll give you some international ones instead. #Aung San Suu Kyi pro democracy campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize winner who spent decades under house arrest because she was a symbol of opposition to the junta in Burma? How about #José Mujica the Uruguayan president that spent 14 years in jail for resisting a dictatorship, gave 90% of his salary to charity once he gained power, legalised abortion and gay marriage,left the economy in good shape and retired to live a modest life on a small farm where he drives a 1987 VW Beetle?
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    • StealthRUSH
      Editing … I agree- people like Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are horrible bastards.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … On the bright side, nobody has ranked Sarah Palin yet.
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    • Tyler Durden
      Tyler Durden
      Editing … Oups, i forgot her ! Thanks ;-)
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Despite her best efforts, most of the world has forgotten about her.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … It baffles me how you're both against Angela Merkel AND all those other Democrats. That doesn't make much sense to me, stealth rush
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    • Aramonde
      Editing … Im surprised any German would be for Merkel at this point. Richard why do you not like the Pauls?
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … They're both against a woman's right to choose, they're both against even mild gun controls, they're both anti-vaccine, they both deny climate change, they're both anti-gay rights and they're both against the government looking out for people when it comes to healthcare because they see treatment as a product and not a right.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … My turn for a question, do you agree with any/all of the above or do you like them despite that? @Aramonde
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    • Aramonde
      Editing … 1- I'm pro life. 2- Gun laws are fine currently we dont need any more infringement on the 2nd amendment. 3- Looked up their stances and i agree the individual/parent has the right to determine what vaccines they should get. Seeing as both are doctors im sure they know what they're talking about. 4- Ehh the denying climate change doesn't bother me. 5- Whats gay rights are you talking about? If its marriage from what i've seen both agree the federal government should have nothing to do with marriage altogether which i agree. 6- I can see the Libertarian view about that but im not sure how i feel about it atm.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … 1. What are you defining as life though? A collection of cells? A partially developed embryo? A foetus that could potentially survive if they were born prematurely? The latter is my definition. Are you against abortions in all circumstances? (Parents totally unprepared? Underage pregnancy? Single parent with no support network? Rape? Danger to the mother?)
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … 2. It always baffles me when I hear Americans talking about the 2nd amendment like it's a) gospel and b) amounts to an unlimited right to keep guns. Firstly "but that would be infringing on the second amendment" isn't much of an argument when amendments can and have been repealed. This particular amendment was written with a violent frontier and the potential threat of invasion by European empires in mind by men who in many cases owned slaves so I'd say it's about time it was reevaluated. Secondly, the words "well regulated militia" are right there in the amendment anyway. Surely modern standards of well-regulated encompass mandatory thorough background checks, safety training and appropriate restrictions? How can you look at your country's record of high gun violence and shockingly common mass shootings and conclude the current laws are fine?
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing …  3- They both seem be overlooking how herd immunity protects vulnerable people who can't be given vaccines (pregnant women, chemo patients, AIDs victims etc) and dogmatically prioritising a parent's right to make an ill educated choice over the child's safety and public safety. Rand has flirted with the idea that vaccines can be linked to mental illnesses which was incredibly irresponsible of him even if he did backtrack a few days later.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … 4- Do you believe in climate change yourself? If so how does the denial of a wealth of scientific evidence and a serious threat to our environment (and through that the economy and people's lives) not bother you?
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … 5- They're both on record supporting "don't ask, don't tell" and supporting religion as an excuse to discriminate. Rand is on record saying the states should be able to ban gay marriage and Ron voted against gay people being able to adopt.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … 6- Surely a civilised affluent society doesn't leave the sick untreated because they can't pay huge medical bills and couldn't get insurance? Ron Paul is against all government funding of medical care and research, in favour of allowing emergency rooms to turn people away if they can't pay and against the ban on refusing to insure people with pre-existing conditions. Rand has argued that treating healthcare as a right and not a product makes doctors and nurses slaves.
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