• Leo Barbosa wrote his opinion about Fallout 3
    8 years ago
    My first Fallout. It would be a 8 if I had played it after New Vegas, but my good memories of it (only played it once) are enough to give it a 9. Where should I start? Well, Fallout 3 has the typical binary storyline. There are the bad guys and the good guys. You can choose between Mother Teresa and Hitler. I choose Mother Teresa. I don't remember any single important choice in the game. I mean, destroy Megaton? Who cares, there are no consequences to that, like at all. You can get your karma points back by giving water to homeless people. Seriously. So, the only choice, I guess, is who will sacrifice itself in the end, but I think the ending is pretty much the same. Somehow the Brotherhood of Steel is good in this game, and the Enclave is bad, they totally forgot about what those factions should actually be. Another interesting thing is the world. It's kinda weird. I mean, 200 years after the bombs and everything is still broken.
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    • Leo Barbosa
      Leo Barbosa
      Editing … Megaton, for example, has no farming, where do they get their food? I guess Bethesda overlooked that. New Vegas corrected this mistake somehow. And the companions. I confess I only met one of them and he was too shallow to even care. But that's the same with Fallout 1. The writing is bad and the story is pretty much Fallout's and Fallout 2's story mixed together. I guess the developers were too busy to write something good. But as someone said, it's Oblivion with guns, so it's pretty fun to play. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L system has no impact outside combat and that sucks.
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