• 8 years ago
    "The Old Hunters" DLC came out a few days ago, and it is really great! I still think the "Artorias of the Abyss" DLC for Dark Souls was superior, in terms of level design and enemy placement, but everything else is pretty much on par. Specially the content, many may argue it's a tad too short but I think it has slightly more content than AotA. And the content there is is excellent!

    Most of the new areas are intricate, well designed and very interesting, full of new items, enemies and secrets to find. And all of it is an excellent complement to the lore of Bloodborne's world. The new bosses are awesome, specifically the last two which are incredibly difficult but also fair and well designed.

    The only two things that dissapointed me were the first area, which wasn't very interesting in terms of layout (it was just a modified version of Cathedral Ward), and a particular moment near the end of the DLC in which the enemy placement is DS2 level of bad.

    Despite it's shortcomings, which are rather insignificant compared to it's strengths, From Software delivered once again on their incredible DLC's. Other companies should learn from them on how to make really great, and valuable DLC!
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