• Salnax wrote his opinion about Star Wars Episode I: Racer
    9 years ago
    Though largely overlooked after its release, Episode 1: Racer turned one of the prequel's less appreciated elements into an intense high-speed racer. LucasArts realized that these were just cockpits strapped to jet engines and made a game fast and tricky enough to go with the concept. The main campaign involved racing on the game's 25 tracks in Tournaments, winning prize money to upgrade one's vehicle of choice, out of the 20+ options eventually available. Tournament reward distribution based on placing included a few options, creating a risk/reward system for upgrading a Pod's various stats and Pit Droids for maintenance. You also get the typical time attack, free play, and multiplayer options. The N64 version's main flaw was the lack of support for more than two players, but considering the speed of the races and limited resolution to work with, this was possibly for the best.
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