• Kylin Snowden wrote his opinion about Ico
    9 years ago
    Ico is a brilliant game made by the masterful Fumito Ueda. It takes a bit more to enjoy this game as opposed to Sotc. It's very slow. Similar to Tinker Tailor Solider Spy, It takes its time with its world and character building. It's environments seem drab only because it's narrative is based on realism. If you can appreciate a slow paced, environmental puzzle game , youll enjoy Ico. If you enjoy small character interactions with little to no dialogue, youll love Ico. What makes this game good can't be stated in written word. Most games can't. Its interactive and deserves to be experienced as such. I'll address some common complaints. Camera: The camera moves on its own to show you everything you need. The camera does not control poorly, you just have to trust it will steer you in the right direction. Combat: to play this game as an action game does it a huge dis service. It's minimal, yes. Why should it be any more. This game is not an action game.
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