• 9 years ago
    Doom? The most influential FPS of all time, the game that began workplace epidemics, and it's BELOW Journey...
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    • Jon Paul Cuellar
      Jon Paul Cuellar
      Editing … Well, that's because Journey is a better game.
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    • McKayla Sellot
      McKayla Sellot
      Editing … Most things should be below Journey. It's top 10 material.
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    • MasterWizard Xenomorph
      MasterWizard Xenomorph
      Editing … Doom is great, but a guy shooting demons isn't all that original.... plus it's a fave's list I just put what I enjoyed the most.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … All credit to Doom for being influential but the thing is influential games get their ideas improved on. Without bringing non FPS's into it I'd say Halo, Half Life, Bioshock and Modern Warfare are all ahead of Doom because favourites is more to do with being outright awesome to play and refined than it is to do with being innovative and good for its time.
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    • Benji Dodds
      Benji Dodds
      Editing … Halo and Modern Warfare are effing terrible. I still play Doom.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … To me Halo 1, 2, Reach and especially 3 are awesome, as is the first Modern Warfare whereas I mainly like Doom for the retro novelty of it.
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    • Benji Dodds
      Benji Dodds
      Editing … To me, Halo and Modern Warfare represent the watering and dumbing down of an entire genre.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Meh. Considering Halo has intricate and large maps, balanced weapons where no one gun is best in all situations, included ground and air vehicles that are useful but not overpowered, has impressively smart enemy AI and put more effort into story and style it's arguably a more intelligent game than Doom. I won't try and make the same argument for Modern Warfare but it's no dumber than Doom either and it's still a lot of fun with some awesome campaign missions and multiplayer that was very fresh in 2007.
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    • Benji Dodds
      Benji Dodds
      Editing … Short list of issues with Halo. Regenerative health, aim assist, very slow gameplay. I couldn't possibly agree with a more intelligent game, simply because of the tools used to create something like Halo, lowered the bar for all other entries in the genre. Could Halo be used as an argument for more accessibility? Sure, and you would be entitled to that opinion. Me, I view Halo as the main reason that corporations have this mindset that EVERYTHING MUST BE FIRST PERSON, even if it doesn't necessarily fit the original design. *shrug*
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    • Jon Paul Cuellar
      Jon Paul Cuellar
      Editing … What's wrong with regenerating health? It allows the designers to design every encounter knowing that the player will be at full health when they experience it. I also don't see any problem with aim assist. Playing a console shooter without aim assist is torturous, and even on PC it can be pretty frustrating. The gameplay being slow-paced is just a stylistic choice, there's nothing wrong with that.
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    • McKayla Sellot
      McKayla Sellot
      Editing … There's nothing wrong with regenerating heath in theory, however it allows for less emergent gameplay, less variety of experience, reduces the need to explore, reduces the complexity of the difficulty curve and subsequently the games pacing is far easier to map. All this can break immersion, making the game feel too predictable and constructed; add that to the dissidence of regenerating heath in concept and you have multiple issues with immersion. That said regenerating health allows the designers more freedom in level design because there are less variables to consider, which could counter all of the problems above and improve of the games core aesthetics. It depends on the game really and I can't really claim one is "better" than the other.
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    • Benji Dodds
      Benji Dodds
      Editing … While all that you said is true and more, McKayla, the difference between the FPS games of the Doom era is this: without them, there would be no Halo or Cowadoody, making it a far more important entry of that particular genre. I would also say that the recent influx of "old school" shooters like Wolfenstein, RoTT Reboot, Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior, proves that that stylistic is not dead and that people still want them. Also, Jon? Stylistic choice for slow gameplay is marketing buzzwords for: "can't get it past 30 FPS."
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    • MasterWizard Xenomorph
      MasterWizard Xenomorph
      Editing … "I'll just shamelessly defend Doom without mentioning its obvious shortcomings." Doom was great in some ways, but games like Left 4 Dead, Bioshock, and Half Life 2 took that genre way further than ID ever could. Quake is probably a better example for the few arguments you made for Doom.
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    • Benji Dodds
      Benji Dodds
      Editing … Except we weren't really discussing those games, as I'd agree with you on those specific titles, Xeno. We were talking Doom versus Halo/CoD specifically, I thought.
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    • MasterWizard Xenomorph
      MasterWizard Xenomorph
      Editing … Sorry, I enjoyed Halo I reccomend trying the new HD remasters, regenrative health is a fun mechanic in those games which makes sense. I agree CoD makes NO SENSE whatsoever to have the mechanic since humans don't spontaneously regenerate. I'm not partial to any of those games anyway. Halo has very balanced online play, unlike CoD you won't find yourself spawning in and dying EVERY sinlge time because you didn't study the map and weapons loadouts thoroughly enough. It did have something to do with the watering down of FPS's afterwards, but that's the developers of those games fault. I give Halo some credit because it's not completely colorless and unfun to play.
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    • Magus
      Editing … Influential or no, Doom doesn't seem to be thought of as highly on most of the internet as some of gaming's other biggest classic games - and on this list even Mario 3 is barely scraping the top 50. If Doom being 78th isn't good enough for you, go get all your Doom-loving friends to join the site.
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    • IceTheRetroKid
      Editing … I'm only like 21 years old and I STILL say Doom is the better game easily. More influential and better actual gameplay.
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    • chemical
      Editing … Doom is the game that set the stage for mainstream FPS games. It was what future FPS games modelled themselves off of for a good amount of time. Hell, #Hard Reset has a good number of Doom tropes. Also, I'm unsure as to why we're comparing two games with different genres.
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    • Synaptic Misfire
      Synaptic Misfire
      Editing … Is there a list for 'most influential' games somewhere? I don't feel like I know enough to make my own but I'd be interested in seeing it.
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